Others Quotes

I just think any picture you take is a good picture.

see more Activities, Andy Warhol, Famous, Others, Photography

An artist is someone who produces things that people don’t need to have but that he – for some reason – thinks it would be a good idea to give them.

see more Activities, Andy Warhol, Art, Famous, Others

I keep reading about this, erm, Indian guy that turns out like three or four thousand pictures a minute…or maybe it’s a day.

see more Activities, Andy Warhol, Famous, Funny, Others, Photography

Art is what you can get away with.

see more Activities, Andy Warhol, Art, Famous, Others

I love him, I worship him. I masturbate to Duran Duran videos.

see more Andy Warhol, Famous, Funny, Others

Before I was shot, I always thought that I was more half-there than all-there – I always suspected that I was watching TV instead of living life. Right when I was being shot and ever since, I knew that I was watching television.

see more Andy Warhol, Famous, Life, Others

I love Los Angeles. I love Hollywood. They’re beautiful. Everybody’s plastic, but I love plastic. I want to be plastic.

see more Andy Warhol, Famous, Others, Places

Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.

see more Activities, Andy Warhol, Art, Famous, Others

I never read. I just look at pictures.

see more Activities, Andy Warhol, Famous, Funny, Others, Photography, Reading

Buying is much more American than thinking and I’m as American as they come.

see more Andy Warhol, Famous, Others, Patriotic

I never think that people die. They just go to department stores.

see more Andy Warhol, Death, Famous, Funny, Others

Don’t pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches.

see more Advice, Andy Warhol, Famous, Gossip, Insults, Others

Drag queens are living testimony to the way women used to be to be, the way some people still want them to be, and the way some women will actually want to be. Drags are ambulatory archives of ideal movie star womanhood. They perform a documentary service, usually consecrating their lives to keeping the glittering alternative alive and available for (not-too-close) inspection.

see more Andy Warhol, Famous, Others, Women

During the 1960s, I think, people forgot what emotions were supposed to be. And I don’t think they’ve ever remembered.

see more Andy Warhol, Famous, Inspirational, Others

Dying is the most embarrassing thing that can ever happen to you, because someone’s got to take care of all your details.

see more Andy Warhol, Death, Famous, Others

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