Cruel Intentions Quotes
Unfortunately, our Don Juan is moving with the speed of a Special Olympics hurdler.
see more Cruel Intentions, Insults, Movies
What you can’t have, you can’t resist.
see more Cruel Intentions, Love, Movies, Rejection
You could be a model. It’s too bad you’re not sexy.
see more Cruel Intentions, Insults, Movies
You spend all your time preaching about waiting for love. Well here it is. Right in front of you, and you’re going to turn your back on it. So I guess we’re just f*cked. I’ll move on. But you are going to have to live the rest of your life knowing that you’ve turned your back on love. And that makes you a hypocrite. Have a nice life.
see more Cruel Intentions, Love, Movies, Sad
It’s not like you have a husband unless you’re married to Jesus.
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Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
see more Cruel Intentions, Life, Movies, Others
Keep your legs together. This isn’t Jamaica.
Mrs. Caldwell
see more Cruel Intentions, Movies, Naughty, Others
They’re old enough to know better, and too young to care.
see more Cruel Intentions, Life, Movies, Others
E-mail is for geeks and pedophiles.
see more Cruel Intentions, Insults, Movies
Even more treacherous than he is attractive, he has never uttered a single word without some dishonorable intention. Every woman he has successfully pursued has regretted it. Stay away from him.
see more Cruel Intentions, Games, Liar, Love, Movies, Player, Regret
Everybody loves me, and I intend to keep it that way.
see more Conceited, Cruel Intentions, Movies
Get your ass on the bed and prepare for the f*ck of your life. After what you put me through I deserve it.
see more Cruel Intentions, Movies, Naughty, Others
Kathryn: Can I take my new car for a ride?
Sebastian: Kathryn, the only thing you’ll be riding is me.
see more Cruel Intentions, Movies, Naughty, Others
How can someone so charming be so manipulative?Annette
see more Cruel Intentions, Love, Movies, Player
Kathryn: My advice is to sleep with as many people as possible.
Cecile: But that would make me a sl*t, wouldn’t it?
Kathryn: Cecile, everybody does it; it’s just that nobody talks about it.
Cecile: So, it’s like a secret society?
Kathryn: That’s one way of looking at it. [under her breath] Fucking idiot…
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