Back Together Quotes

Three months ago, if you asked me, I would have told you that if you really loved someone, you’d let them go. But now I look at you, and I see that I’ve been wrong. If you really love someone, I think you have to take them back.

Mercy by Jodi Picoult

see more Back Together, Books, General, Love

If you lose the key to my heart, just knock. I’ll let you in.

see more Back Together, Love

If you really love someone you should give them second chances, not a “You’ve made a mistake. Goodbye forever” kinda thing.

see more Back Together, Love

Isn’t it funny how you hate the guy who broke your heart yet when he comes running back your arms are wide open?

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It takes guts to fall in love. But it takes nerves to go back to the one who broke you.

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It’s always better when we’re together.

Better Together by Jack Johnson Lyric

see more Back Together, Famous, Love

Every time I try to walk away he pulls me back in.

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It’s like every time I take a step away from you something keeps pulling me back.

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Except this time it’ll be even better. We’ll stay together in the end.

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Let’s go back. We both know it wasn’t supposed to end this way.

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Fate brought you back to me. This time I won’t let you leave.

Strong, Strong Wind by Heart Lyric

see more Back Together, Famous, Love

Let’s just start over. Let’s forget all our problems. Let’s put our past behind us and never bring it up again. Like they said we can’t live or love in the past. Let’s throw all our problems away. I’ll give you my trust if you give me yours. Let’s just fall in love the right way.

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For some reason you always seem to win my heart over anyone else.

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Let’s make it right this time.

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Forget all the reasons why we won’t last. All we need is one reason why we will.

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