Your Man Quotes

I’m the girl you will never be and the girl your boyfriend has always wanted.

see more Conceited, Insults, Personal, Your Man

East to the sea, west to the lands, death to the b*tch that touches my man.

see more Insults, Your Man

When I first saw your man he was really fine. He had a natural shake. It was so divine.

Boom! I Got Your Boyfriend by MC Lucious Lyric

see more Famous, Insults, Your Man

Ever wonder why your man’s kisses are so sweet? He was with me last night and I gave him something to eat.

see more Insults, Your Man

When I roll up bitches gasp in fear, looking around and praying their man ain’t here.

see more Insults, Your Man

I called your boyfriend gay so he turned around and hit me with his purse.

see more Insults, Your Man

You heard my name before; it’s the one he screams instead of yours.

see more Insults, Your Man

I got what the boys want; I show what the bitches can’t flaunt. With my sexy brown eyes and long eyelashes I catch the eyes of every gangsta who passes. I’m that young dime that your man feels for; I’m the girl every thug adores.

see more Insults, Your Man

You may think you have him, you may think he’s yours, but I thought you knew he doesn’t mess with whores.

see more Insults, Your Man

I had a party last night. Sorry you couldn’t come. But your boyfriend did… twice.

see more Insults, Your Man

You think you’re the only one he’s kissing but when me and him are together, you’re the only one he’s dissin.

see more Insults, Your Man

I hate to break it to you, sweetie, but you’re his past, I’m his present, and with the way things are going I’m his future, too.

see more Insults, Your Man

Your booty might be bigger but I still got your n*gga, your kiss might be wetter but he thinks mine’s better. You think you have him on lockdown but you don’t know what he does while you’re not around.

see more Insults, Your Man

I was voted best kisser by your boyfriend.

see more Insults, Your Man

If you don’t like my apples, don’t shake my tree. I’m not after your man; he’s after me. If you want your man, keep him by your side because if he flags my train, I’m gonna let him ride.

see more Insults, Your Man

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