Others Quotes

As of today, I have absolutely no regrets. I think I am a mature person who can take things in stride. I’m grateful for people in my past. They helped me get to where I am, wherever that is. But now, I am thinking for myself and sitting in on all the business transactions.

see more Famous, Marilyn Monroe, Others, Success

Creativity has got to start with humanity and when you’re a human being, you feel, you suffer.

see more Famous, Inspirational, Marilyn Monroe, Others

Dogs have never hurt me. Only men have.

see more Family, Famous, Marilyn Monroe, Men, Others, Pets

Don’t you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty? You wouldn’t marry a girl just because she’s pretty, but my goodness, doesn’t it help?

see more Famous, Funny, Love, Marilyn Monroe, Marriage, Others

Dreaming about being an actress is more exciting than being one.

see more Acting/Theatre, Activities, Famous, Marilyn Monroe, Others

Even though I was born there, I still can’t think of one good thing to say about it. If I close my eyes, and picture LA, all I see is one big varicose vein.

see more Famous, Marilyn Monroe, Others, Places

Ever notice how ‘what the hell’ is always the right answer?

see more Famous, Funny, Marilyn Monroe, Others

A career is wonderful, but you can’t curl up with it on a cold night.

see more Careers, Famous, General, Love, Marilyn Monroe, Occupations, Others

A woman can’t be alone. She needs a man. A man and a woman support and strengthen each other. She just can’t do it by herself.

see more Famous, General, Love, Marilyn Monroe, Men, Others, Women

Acting isn’t something you do. Instead of doing it, it occurs. If you’re going to start with logic, you might as well give up. You can have conscious preparation, but you have unconscious results.

see more Acting/Theatre, Activities, Famous, Marilyn Monroe, Others

I never understood why when you died, you didn’t just vanish, everything could just keep going on the way it was only you just wouldn’t be there.

see more Andy Warhol, Death, Famous, Others

I suppose I have a really loose interpretation of work because I think that just being alive is so much work at something you don’t always want to do. Being born is like being kidnapped. And then sold into slavery. People are working every minute. The machinery is always going. Even when you sleep.

see more Andy Warhol, Famous, Life, Others

I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own.

see more Activities, Andy Warhol, Art, Famous, Inspirational, Others

I think it would be so great if more people took up silk screening, so that no one would know whether my picture was mine or somebody else.

see more Activities, Andy Warhol, Art, Famous, Others

Don’t pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches.

see more Advice, Andy Warhol, Famous, Gossip, Insults, Others

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