Love Quotes

It hurts the most when you never gave up on him, never stopped thinking of him, and never stopped loving him no matter what but he gave up on you, stopped thinking of you, and loves someone else.

see more Love, Someone Else

You kept me around even though you were out looking for her. You knew it all along and failed to mention it to me. When I found out I was crushed but now I don’t feel anger. Now I feel sorrow for you because no matter who you’re with you’ll always want more. That’s no way to go through life.

see more Love, Over, Someone Else

The way I see it – it’s the end of the fourth quarter and I’m down by two. I could shoot a three and go for the win, or get a two and go into overtime, keep fighting. But you know what? I don’t want overtime. I’m tired. This is the hardest game I’ve ever played, and it’s now or never. So I’m going for the three. I’m going for it all, right now. I love you, and the end result is up to you. Say it back and I win. Buzzer goes off. Swish! In goes three. I shoot. The ball bounces off the rim and I lose. I walk off the court, proud of my fight but sick at the same time. And she wins. Game over.

see more Love, Someone Else

It’s so hard to talk to him anymore. It’s always about how much he misses her and how he cries at night. I hope I don’t sound like this when I talk to my girlfriends because what he tells me is what I tell them about him.

see more Love, Missing You, Sad, Someone Else

And as you’re jumping off that bridge wishing to be dead just remember, baby, you chose to screw her instead.

see more Bad, Love, Someone Else

Have you ever taken the time to think about what it feels like when she hugs you and kisses you? It probably feels like the greatest thing in the world right about now but I love you more than she ever could and for once, I’m asking you to think about how it could have felt if I hugged you and kissed you. Would it feel great or bad? You never gave me a chance to try to see if I could make that big of an impact.

see more Love, Someone Else

And why is it that when I think I’m over you you call my phone and when I see it says, “Restricted Number” I’m surprised because I got your girlfriend calling all the time to remind me that you’re her man now and not mine.

see more Love, Someone Else

If you really love a person you’ll let them be happy with whoever they’re with even if it’s not with you.

see more General, Love, Someone Else

So go ahead and kiss her. Make sure you do it while I’m watching.

see more Love, Someone Else

The funniest part of our story is that you ended it to be with her, she left you to be with someone else, and I’m not there for you anymore.

see more Love, Over, Someone Else

The hardest part is when he talks about the girl you want to be.

see more Love, Someone Else

You turn me down for her because you say she’s so pretty, she’s so popular but for all it’s worth, I’m looking at her right now and I’ve never seen anybody uglier.

see more Love, Someone Else

I always knew in the back of my mind that the day would come when you would fall for another girl but I never wanted it to. I know I have no right to tell you not to do it because it’s not like you’re mine or ever have been but I wish I could and I wish you would listen. This is a hurt I’ve never experienced before – my heart breaking, stomach aching, head spinning, whole body hurting just because of you. All I can do is cry even though it’s not getting me anywhere.

see more Break Up, Love, Sad, Someone Else

Loving him is the best thing yet. Missing him is something I’ll never regret. Losing him will be hard to accept but seeing him with her is the most painful yet.

see more Love, Missing You, Sad, Someone Else

So here’s to the late night phone calls and laughing for no reason. Here’s to the times we spent all night talking about absolutely nothing and the random ‘I love you’s and the sound of my heart breaking in two when you said you loved someone new.

see more Heartbreak, Love, Someone Else

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