Personal Quotes

Old enough to know better, pissed enough not to care.

Bad Moon Rising by Sherrilyn Kenyon

see more Books, General, Personal, Teenager

I know I’m tired of thinking about what I should have done yesterday. I know I’m just tired. If I knew what to do with my life, how to fix it up, I would have done it a long time ago.

Dope Sick by Walter Dean Mye

see more Books, Depressed, General, Personal

I am getting better at smiling when people expect it.

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

see more Books, Depressed, General, Personal

They’re going to judge you regardless, so you might as well let them judge you for who you really are.

see more Be Yourself, Judgement, Others, Personal

I’m tough, ambitious, and know exactly what I want. If that makes me a b*tch, okay.


see more B-tch, Famous, Personal

It’s amazing how you, can keep so much bottled up inside of you and you can just walk around and nobody has any idea.

see more Depressed, Personal

I can choose to let it define me, confine me, refine me, outshine me, or I can choose to move on and leave it behind me.

see more Personal, Strength

I’m intimidated by the fear of being average.

see more Confidence, Famous, Inspirational, Others, Personal, Taylor Swift

All these years I’ve been feeling like I was growing into myself. Finally, I feel grown. Confidence

see more Confidence, Famous, Oprah Winfrey, Personal

All my life I have always known I was born to greatness.

see more Confidence, Famous, Oprah Winfrey, Personal

All these years I’ve been feeling like I was growing into myself. Finally, I feel grown. Confidence

see more Confidence, Famous, Oprah Winfrey, Personal

All my life I have always known I was born to greatness.

see more Confidence, Famous, Oprah Winfrey, Personal

When I look into the future, it’s so bright it burns my eyes.

see more Confidence, Famous, Oprah Winfrey, Personal

Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.

see more Famous, Inspirational, Oprah Winfrey, Others, Personal, Strength

And then, something happened. I let go. Lost in oblivion. Dark and silent and complete. I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.


see more Depressed, Fight Club, Movies, Personal

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