Others Quotes

I dare you to be who you want to be.

see more Be Yourself, Others

Things change. You can’t stop them, and you’ll drive yourself crazy if you try.

Shimmer by Kailin Gow

see more Books, Change, General, Others

Maybe some people die to show us the importance of living.

see more Death, Life, Others

The women who don’t seek attention are usually the women you need to be giving your attention to.

see more Others, Women

Food: Years to make, and a minute to eat.

see more Food, Others

Sometimes being an adult means doing the right thing, even if it’s not what you want.

Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson

see more Books, General, Growing Up, Others

The worst part of success is trying to find someone who is happy for you.

see more Famous, Others, Success

You ever think about this? Every year you live, you pass the anniversary of your death. Now, you don’t know what day it is of course.

Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts

see more Books, Death, General, Life, Others

The funny thing with good endings is that it’s never a happy one. A good ending means it may not be what you wanted, but you knew it had to happen. Those are the best endings, because they always lead to better beginnings.

see more Optimism, Others

I can’t go to bed. sh*t is happening on the internet.

see more Funny, Others

They’re going to judge you regardless, so you might as well let them judge you for who you really are.

see more Be Yourself, Judgement, Others, Personal

If I woke up from a coma and Channing Tatum told me he was my husband, I wouldn’t question it.

see more Funny, Others

I’m intimidated by the fear of being average.

see more Confidence, Famous, Inspirational, Others, Personal, Taylor Swift

No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.

see more Famous, Inspirational, Others, Taylor Swift

People haven’t always been there for me but music always has.

see more Activities, Famous, Music, Others, Taylor Swift

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