Others Quotes

We all blame society. But truth is, we are society.

see more Inspirational, Others

Big or small, lies are lies.

see more Lies, Others

That moment of fear when you can’t take a ring off your finger.

see more Funny, Others

A true gentleman should never take advantage of any lady.

see more General, Love, Men, Others

To be understanding is more important than to be right.

see more Inspirational, Others

In the end it’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.

see more Life, Others

Tell me how I’m supposed to forget you if you’re never really gone.

see more Love, Memories, Memories, Others

I like you because when you laugh it sounds like pure happiness.

see more Cute, Happiness, Love, Others

I guess it’s because I can’t help but to remember everything. I mean, you see somebody and you think about all they’ve ever said and done, the good and the bad. It all comes back to you and it feels so right and hurts so bad all at once.

see more Love, Memories, Memories, Others

For every second of anger, you lose one minute of happiness.

see more Happiness, Others

I believe in payback. Letting people screw you over is just lazy and uncreative.

see more Others, Revenge

The Pope says Atheists pick and choose their morals. Correct. Today, I will be frowning upon child abuse and not having a problem with homosexuality.

see more Others, Religion

Better a has-been than a never-was. But better a never-was than a never-tried-to-be.

see more Inspirational, Others

Not all guys want sex, because some of them want a relationship. Not all guys like Black Ops, because loving you is more fun. Not all men will hurt you, because some men are decent people. Not all men will abuse you, because some men like to see you smile. However, all those guys are gay.

see more Boys, Funny, Insults, Others

You’re not very easy to forget.

see more Love, Memories, Memories, Others

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