Movies Quotes

Nobody puts Baby in the corner.


see more Dirty Dancing, Movies

Now, you’ll hurt me if you don’t trust me, all right?


see more Dirty Dancing, Movies, Others, Trust

I have an excellent idea: let’s change the subject!

March Hare

see more Alice in Wonderland, Funny, Movies, Others

Alice: I simply must get through!

Doorknob: Sorry, you’re much too big. Simply impassible.

Alice: You mean impossible?

Doorknob: No, impassible. Nothing’s impossible.

see more Alice in Wonderland, Movies, Optimism, Others

Mad Hatter: Ah thank goodness! Those are the things that upset me!

March Hare: See all the trouble you started?

Alice: But I didn’t think…

Mad Hatter: Ah, that’s just it. If you don’t think, then you shouldn’t talk.

see more Advice, Alice in Wonderland, Movies, Others

I warn you, dear child. If I lose my temper, you lose your head. Understand?

Queen of Hearts

see more Alice in Wonderland, Fighting, Insults, Movies

I’m late. I’m late, for a very important date. No time to say, “Hello!” Goodbye! I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!”

White Rabbit

see more Alice in Wonderland, Movies

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrariwise, what it is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be it would. You see?


see more Alice in Wonderland, Imagination, Movies, Others

In my world, the books would be nothing but pictures.


see more Alice in Wonderland, Books, Movies

It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.


see more Alice in Wonderland, Movies

Oh, you can’t help that. Most everyone’s mad here. You may have noticed that I’m not all there myself.

Cheshire Cat

see more Alice in Wonderland, Movies

Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction.


see more Alice in Wonderland, Movies

Caterpillar: Recite.

Alice: Oh. Yes sir. How doth the little bumblebee improve each…

Caterpillar: Stop. That is not spoken correctically. It goes: How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail. And pour the waters of the Nile, on every golden scale. How cheerfully he seems to grin, how neatly spreads his claws. And welcomes little fishes in, with gently smiling jaws.

Alice: Well, I must say, I’ve never heard it that way before.

Caterpillar: I know. I have improoooved it.

see more Alice in Wonderland, Funny, Movies, Others

Twinkle, twinkle, little bat. How I wonder what you’re at. Up above the world you fly, like a tea tray in the sky.


see more Alice in Wonderland, Funny, Movies, Others

Well, when one’s lost, I suppose it’s good advice to stay where you are until someone finds you. But-but who’d ever think to look for me here?


see more Alice in Wonderland, Movies

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