Love Quotes

If I could forget everything, I can honestly say I would. I can’t imagine how peaceful it would be to be able to pass you on the street and have no idea who you are.

see more Love, Moving On, Sad

She may come across as hard to get, but that’s because she’s been through a few things, seen a few things, been there and done that. She’s cold, yes, but only because she once cared about someone who failed to care about her. She’s built a fortress to protect her heart from further damage. You told her that you’re different, but she won’t believe it until you prove it. Words don’t mean a thing, actions are everything.

see more Love, Sad, Scared

If a girl understands your bullshit, sticks through your mistakes, smiles even when you’ve done nothing for her, it’s obvious she’s a keeper. But it’s also obvious you don’t deserve her.

see more General, Love

Do you know what makes the first love different? It’s the only history in one’s life that never repeats itself.

see more First Love, Love

You’re not very easy to forget.

see more Love, Memories, Memories, Others

My friends say when I’m around you I’m not myself. I think when I’m around you I find myself.

see more Bad, Love

You know what would be one of the best feelings ever? To know that he thought of me, to know that when he was looking into space with a smile as if he had just seen an angel, it was me on his mind.

see more Crush, Love

Somewhere there’s someone who dreams of your smile, someone who finds your presence worthwhile, so when you’re lonely remember it’s true that someone somewhere is thinking of you.

see more General, Love

She cries without a tear shed. She lives without a soul. She curses the one she loves for everything he stole.

see more Love, Sad

There’s no return policy on hearts. Sorry, sweetie, but you bought it so now you get to keep it.

see more Forever, Love

She’s got love in the palm of her hand but not a strong enough grip.

see more Love, Sad

If you must choose between someone you love and someone who loves you always choose the one who loves you because you can always learn to love someone but you can hardly ever make someone else love you.

see more General, Love

I’m a hopeless romantic. I want to fall in love and kiss in the snow. I like to sit by a fire while wrapped up in a blanket. And if you were here by my side tonight I would give you the best gift you ever got.

see more Cute, Love, Others, Winter

Unfortunately, there’s no test of compatibility to see how couples will survive together, despite what they say on those online dating sites. There’s always a risk you take when you agree to spend the rest of your life with someone.

Taking a Shot by Jaci Burton

see more Books, Forever, General, Love, Marriage

She had been born for this man, and she had spent so many years trying to accept the fact that he had been born for someone else.

Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn

see more Books, General, Love, Sad, Someone Else

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