Personal Quotes

You can fake a smile for everyone else but you’ll never hide the truth from yourself.

see more Depressed, Personal

You can’t see I’m hurting. You’re too blind to notice my pain. It feels like everyone is sitting in sunshine while I’m drowning in the rain.

see more Depressed, Personal

You had a bad day? Here, let me tell you about my bad week.

see more Depressed, Personal

When I look around I think this is good enough and I try to laugh at whatever life brings because when I look down, I just miss all of the good stuff and when I look up I just trip over things.

see more Depressed, Personal

You know I don’t think I will ever be happy. Wherever I am I’ll wish I’m somewhere else. Whatever I have I’ll want something different.

see more Depressed, Personal

When I’m all alone at home I just cry. I wish that I could just lie like I’m happy but I can’t fight this hurt inside.

see more Depressed, Personal

You look at me and see a beautiful girl living in a perfect world but on the inside all I really am is a broken heart and shattered dreams.

see more Depressed, Personal

When it hurts so much what can I do? When everything is wrong what should I do? When everyone is fake what should I think? The only thing that’s always there for me is sorrow.

see more Depressed, Personal

You never know. I’m not good at pretending.

see more Depressed, Personal

When she cries, the makeup runs from her eyes and she spills the truth about how she feels inside.

see more Depressed, Personal

You say I choose sadness, that it never once has chosen me.

The Good That Won’t Come Out by Rilo Kiley Lyric

see more Depressed, Famous, Personal

When someone asks me what’s wrong, and I say fine, I don’t want them to walk away. I want them to grab me as I walk away, and say, “I know you better than that.”

see more Depressed, Personal

You think I’m happy but I’m really not. My smile must be the best lie that I’ve got.

see more Depressed, Personal

When you feel your soul drop to the floor like a hole, like an open bleeding sore, then you’ll have bled like I bled and you’ll have wept as I’ve wept.

Ex’s and Oh’s by Atreyu Lyric

see more Depressed, Famous, Personal

You watch her walk down the hall, big smile, laughing, seems so happy. You’d never guess that she goes home and cries herself to sleep every night.

see more Depressed, Personal

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