Others Quotes
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
Wayne Dyer
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Goodbye hurts more than anything especially when deep down you know you’re never gonna say hello again.
When I thought about why I was sometimes reluctant to push myself, I realized that it was because I was afraid of failure
I want warm summer nights, to lie in a hammock, staring at the stars, telling you stories. I want to dip my toes in the water, to dangle my feet off the edge of the dock and sit leaning forward, looking at you, laughing til our stomachs hurt, that’s the summer I’ve always dreamt about.
Sometimes, we must know that it’s not pride. Sometimes it’s called self-respect.
see more Inspirational, Others
It’s funny how most music today is about how much the guy wants to hook up with a girl, when all The Beatles wanted to do was hold her hand.
see more Activities, Music, Others
It’s not just about you taking care of your child. It’s about you taking care of these children.
see more Inspirational, Others
It’s funny how you can forget everything except people loving you. Maybe that’s why humans find it so hard getting over love affairs. It’s not the pain they’re getting over, it’s the love.
On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
Life can be about taking chances and finding really great things and yes, failing sometimes. Or it can be about wondering what if because you never dared to try.
Giving Chase by Lauren Dane
If you expect the worst, the worst will happen. You are your own stress, your own anger, your own sadness and frustration. If you let things bother you, they will. So don’t let them. Nothing in life is easy, so make the best of it all. Don’t dwell on the negatives. Optimism is key.
see more Advice, Inspirational, Optimism, Others
Life would be a lot easier if conversations were rewindable and erasable, like videos. Or if you could instruct people to disregard what you just said, like in a courtroom.
Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.
Wayne Dyer
see more Advice, Famous, Inspirational, Life, Others
Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
Lou Holtz