Movies Quotes

I feel comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life. [someone whistles at her] I object.


see more Legally Blonde, Movies

Elle:So, if you don’t know an answer they’re just gonna kick you out.

Emmett: So you have Stromwell, huh?

Elle: Yes. Did she do that to you too?

Emmett: No, but she did make me cry once… not in class I waited until I got back to my room, but yeah she’ll kick you right in the balls, or wherever.

see more Legally Blonde, Movies

I once had to judge a tighty-whitey contest for Lambda Kappa Pi. Trust me, I can handle anything.


see more Legally Blonde, Movies

Elle’s Mother: Honey, you were First Runner-Up at the “Miss Hawaiian Tropics” contest. Why are you going to throw that all away?

Elle: Going to Harvard is the only way I’m going to get the love of my life back.

Elle’s Father: Oh, sweetheart, you don’t need law school. Law school is for people who are boring and ugly and serious. And you, button, are none of those things.

see more Legally Blonde, Movies

I was first in my class at Princeton, I have an IQ of a hundred and eighty-seven, and it’s been suggested that Stephen Hawking stole his Brief History of Time… from my fourth grade paper.


see more Legally Blonde, Movies

Brooke: Are you one of my lawyers?

Elle: Sort of.

Brooke: Well, thank God one of you has a brain.

see more Legally Blonde, Movies

Brooke: You know a Delta Nu would never sleep with a man who wears a thong.

Elle: Never!

Brooke: I just liked to watch him change the filter.

see more Legally Blonde, Movies

Elle: Did you see him? He’s probably still scratching his head.

Paulette: Yeah, which must be a nice vacation for his balls.

see more Legally Blonde, Movies

Elle: For that matter, any masturbatory emissions, where the sperm is clearly not seeking an egg, could be termed reckless abandonment.

Professor Callahan: You’ve just won your case.

see more Legally Blonde, Movies

Elle: I promised her, and I can’t break the bonds of sisterhood.

Professor Callahan: Screw sisterhood! This is a murder investigation, not some scandal at the sorority house!

see more Legally Blonde, Movies

Elle: I’m reading about the LSAT’s.

Serena: My cousin had that once. Apparently you get a really bad rash on your…

see more Legally Blonde, Movies

Elle: Warner, what kind of shoes are these?

Warner: Umm… black ones.

see more Legally Blonde, Movies

Keep your legs together. This isn’t Jamaica.

Mrs. Caldwell

see more Cruel Intentions, Movies, Naughty, Others

They’re old enough to know better, and too young to care.

see more Cruel Intentions, Life, Movies, Others

Unfortunately, our Don Juan is moving with the speed of a Special Olympics hurdler.


see more Cruel Intentions, Insults, Movies

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