Love Quotes

Some girls will go out of their d*mn minds all in the name of love. Even if it means fighting another girl, they’ll do it, and then weeks later he’s laughing in your face.

see more Bad, Love

Sometimes there is nothing to be said. Sometimes nothing should be said. I just want to find someone who won’t run away. Someone to look me in the eyes and tell me it’s okay. That things don’t always go right. That is how life works, and how it will always work. That it’s not going to be easy. Today, tomorrow, the next day… but it will somehow get better.

see more Friendship, General, General, Love

I like you because when you laugh it sounds like pure happiness.

see more Cute, Happiness, Love, Others

Sooner or later I’m going to have to think about it, and then I’m going to be a mess.

see more Depressed, Love, Moving On, Personal

You gave me this strange feeling that I’ve never felt before. Almost like I was beautiful inside and out; like I could do anything and still shine in your eyes. Something that felt a lot like love.

see more Cute, Love

Let’s play truth or dare. Truth, you tell me how you feel. Dare, you prove it.

see more Games, Love

Now that I’m gone the only reason you want me back is because you’re lonely and I know you hate that feeling. But it hurts to think you couldn’t think of any other reason.

see more Love, Sad, Wanting Back

I guess it’s because I can’t help but to remember everything. I mean, you see somebody and you think about all they’ve ever said and done, the good and the bad. It all comes back to you and it feels so right and hurts so bad all at once.

see more Love, Memories, Memories, Others

Kiss me in the dark, tell me you love me in the moonlight, and spend hours on end making memories with me under the stars.

see more Cute, Love

I think I’ve reached a point where your memory doesn’t kill me at night anymore. To a point where your name doesn’t make my heart beat fast again. A point where that song doesn’t remind me of you every time. However, when we meet each other’s eyes, I remember every reason why it’s about to again.

see more Love, Sad, Still In Love

She may come across as hard to get, but that’s because she’s been through a few things, seen a few things, been there and done that. She’s cold, yes, but only because she once cared about someone who failed to care about her. She’s built a fortress to protect her heart from further damage. You told her that you’re different, but she won’t believe it until you prove it. Words don’t mean a thing, actions are everything.

see more Love, Sad, Scared

If a girl understands your bullshit, sticks through your mistakes, smiles even when you’ve done nothing for her, it’s obvious she’s a keeper. But it’s also obvious you don’t deserve her.

see more General, Love

Do you know what makes the first love different? It’s the only history in one’s life that never repeats itself.

see more First Love, Love

You’re not very easy to forget.

see more Love, Memories, Memories, Others

My friends say when I’m around you I’m not myself. I think when I’m around you I find myself.

see more Bad, Love

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