Love Quotes

He’s painting pictures I’m not making for him. And he’s got a vision without me in mind.

see more Break Up, Love

But it’s okay to come around when nights like this are never ending. I tried so hard to make this perfect. You and I, somehow we can’t see eye to eye. Together we always knew that you were better.

Baby Blue by The Early November Lyric

see more Break Up, Famous, Love

Cover up with makeup in the mirror. Tell yourself it’s never gonna happen again. You cry alone and then he swears he loves you.

Face Down by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Lyric

see more Bad, Famous, Love

I didn’t know you were going to leave but when you did all I could think about were the issues which hadn’t yet been resolved.

see more Break Up, Love

I can see it in your eyes. You don’t need to say a word. It’s over. We’re through. Just correct me if this isn’t true.

see more Break Up, Love

I don’t know if I can go on without you; you were my world.

see more Break Up, Love

I broke up with my boyfriend because of religious reasons; he thought he was God and I didn’t.

see more Break Up, Funny, Love, Others

I can’t stand him hurting me. I just can’t stand him using me but unlike him I just can’t walk away. I can’t forget what we had. It’s not that easy for me to let go of something that was once my life. I guess it actually mattered to me.

see more Bad, Love

Honestly, I wish you never let go of me when you held me in your arms. It gave me that feeling that maybe you’d be the one to stick around just a little bit longer.

see more Break Up, Love

Honestly, I don’t understand how you can do that to me. I don’t get how you can just go on like nothing has happened or ever happened between us. It’s not fair that you treat me this way like I’m invisible and what I really don’t understand is why you’re so mad at me for hanging on and not being able to let go. Sorry I have something called a heart.

see more Break Up, Love

Even though you made me so miserable you always keep me coming back for more.

see more Bad, Love

Here comes the big punch line I’ve been dying to give: I don’t really need you like I used to, and you can walk out that door, through the back woods and pretend we never happened. It’ll all be the same, but you’ll be the coward. You were the one always looking for a way out.

see more Break Up, Love

Every day she goes through the same process: wake up, look in the mirror, cry, fix her make-up, call him, wait for hours, cry herself to sleep.

see more Bad, Love

Did everything you did to me but I’m outta ammunition so I’ll take these words and fire them into your chest. Find a new place for them to rest. I seize up your insides, scarring your flesh. Open up and let them in.

Broken Glass Syndrome by Halifax Lyric

see more Bad, Famous, Love

After all the times you hurt me, the times you made me cry, why do I forgive you with every little sigh? The times that you betrayed me, the times of painful goodbyes, why do I still need you after all those lies? The times you had ignored me, the times my pain had shown, why do I still care for you though you left me all alone? With the cars you left upon me and the tears that fall each day why am I still in love with you though you’ve treated me this way?

see more Bad, Love

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