Love Quotes

Don’t apologize for the number of individuals you told you loved. Apologize for the number you told you loved and didn’t mean it at the time.

see more Liar, Love

Do you mind if I ask you a question, sweetheart? Do you know what forever means? The next time you promise me something like that just remember that forever never ends.

see more Liar, Love

Counting down on the hours I’ve spent here drowning in your lies, dear. I wish that I could have been warned.

The Alamo is No Place for Dancing by The Scene Aesthetic Lyric

see more Famous, Liar, Love

Clean up your act. Your story’s getting dusty. Wash your mouth. Your lies are getting rusty.

Funkier Than A Mosquito’s Tweeter by Nikka Costa Lyric

see more Famous, Liar, Love

But you swore you loved me more.

There Is by Box Car Racer Lyric

see more Famous, Liar, Love

Break your promise, let her down, make her cry. You love her, right? Everything’s fine so lead her on and tell her lies. It’s no big deal. She’s just a girl, right?

see more Liar, Love

Boy, you don’t lie to me. You lie to your girlfriend.

see more Liar, Love, Player

Because your lips are burning like the end of a cigarette but I won’t inhale your lies.

see more Liar, Love

And then he hits you with that one last promise and you want it to be the truth so bad.

see more Liar, Love

And then he dropped that eight letter lie.

see more Liar, Love

Baby, you’re the first thing on my Christmas list.

see more Christmas, Holiday, Love, Others

Baby, all I want for Christmas is me and you. I want you and me sitting by the fireplace sipping hot chocolate, kissing and cuddling for what seems like forever. I hope this Christmas wish could happen but deep down in my heart I know that this is just one of the wishes that can’t possibly come true no matter how hard I try to make it work.

see more Christmas, Holiday, Love, Others

Baby, I just want you here with me to snuggle next to the Christmas tree. Kiss me under the mistletoe. Promise me you’ll never let me go.

see more Christmas, Holiday, Love, Others

At Christmas, play and make good cheer, for Christmas comes but once a year.

Thomas Tusser

see more Christmas, Famous, Holiday, Love, Others

As the day gets closer you might be wondering what a princess like me would want for Christmas. Now listen carefully because I’m only going to say this once. All I want for Christmas is you.

see more Christmas, Holiday, Love, Others

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