Love Quotes

Regrets hurt longer than broken hearts.

see more Love, Regret

Remember when we first met and I was scared to open myself and my heart up to you? I was scared of getting hurt, scared of being rejected, scared to be myself. Then we talked and I thought we connected and that I finally found someone with a shoulder to cry on and a loving heart. Well, all I can say is I was wrong and it’s guys like you that detour me from finding the nice guy.

see more Love, Regret

Since we’re being brutally honest here you were the worst mistake I’ve ever had the pleasure of making.

see more Love, Regret

Since we’re being totally honest… yeah, I’m jealous, I regret leaving, but I’ll get over it.

see more Love, Regret

I know that I hurt you and things will never be the same. The only love I ever knew, I threw it all away.

Breathing by Yellowcard Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Regret

Just hope that one day you’ll finally realize what we had and what was yet to come for us, what was all in the palm of your hand but you chose to throw it away. I hope you realize that I was right there waiting for you and you just turned your back.

see more Love, Regret

I let the best thing get away without even knowing it.

see more Love, Regret

Knowing I could have had you hurts the most. Knowing I could be the one you call every ten minutes, knowing I could be the one by your side tonight hurts the most. Giving you up is my one regret.

see more Love, Regret

Don’t forget what he said. Remember what you didn’t.

see more Love, Regret

I made a mistake to let you go but it was never a mistake to love you.

see more Love, Regret

Loved by one, wanted by many, but the one I want is gone and I was the one who let him go.

see more Love, Regret

Eight letters, three words, one regret. I miss you.

see more Love, Regret

I never meant to hurt you, baby. You’re the only man I need, the only thing that’s missing in my life.

You by Athena Cage Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Regret

Maybe I made a huge mistake by going out with you. Maybe I was wrong to fall for you. The biggest mistake I made was believing everything you said. I trusted you. I gave you a piece of me. I wore my heart on my sleeve, daring you to take advantage of my love…and you did.

see more Love, Regret

Even though I’ve stopped liking you, every time someone says your name my head turns towards them. It’s like every time I hear it I think about all we could have had and what could have happened that didn’t.

see more Love, Regret

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