Gossip Quotes

For all of you who talk about me, thanks for making me the center of your world.

see more Gossip, Insults

High school is one big soap opera. Everyone is gossiping about everyone else and at the end of the day you wonder what’s gonna happen tomorrow.

see more Gossip, Insults

For all you hoes who talk about me, make sure you keep that sh*t interesting.

see more Gossip, Insults

I always remember the sh*t you talk and do. Remember when you’re fronting, it will all come back to you.

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Forget what you’ve heard, recognize what you see. I know you’ve heard the rumors. Forget them, here’s the real me.

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I do my stuff and it gets to you. It’s like you all know my name better than I do.

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f*ck you, hater, and f*ck what you heard ’cause guess what, b*tch? Actions speak louder than words.

see more Gossip, Insults

I don’t need your smile. You don’t have to adopt my style. I don’t care what you think I am just as long as I’m not your scam. Don’t waste your time fooling me. Just watch it when you’re talking to me. You don’t have to bring me up in your conversations. We don’t have to agree. You know you never had to like who I claim to be because that’s all just fine with me as long as you respect my space and won’t take my place, say it to my face, then I can live with you and I know you’ll live, too.

see more Gossip, Insults

Get a grip ’cause I never slip. I run the streets while you run your lip.

see more Gossip, Insults

I don’t run with many girls ’cause they talk too much.

Caramel by City High Lyric

see more Famous, Gossip, Insults

Girls; they talk their gossip. I love it. Think it’s affecting me? Nah. Jump off it.

see more Gossip, Insults

Do you remember that game “whisper down the line” when one person would say something and by the end of the game it was totally different? Welcome to high school!

see more Gossip, Insults

Go ahead and talk about me, b*tch, but I have some advice. Click your heels together twice and say, “I need a fuckin life.”

see more Gossip, Insults

Don’t ever for one single moment think you know just because you know my name.

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God gave us mouths that close and ears that don’t. That should tell us something.

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