Gossip Quotes
I don’t need your smile. You don’t have to adopt my style. I don’t care what you think I am just as long as I’m not your scam. Don’t waste your time fooling me. Just watch it when you’re talking to me. You don’t have to bring me up in your conversations. We don’t have to agree. You know you never had to like who I claim to be because that’s all just fine with me as long as you respect my space and won’t take my place, say it to my face, then I can live with you and I know you’ll live, too.
I don’t run with many girls ’cause they talk too much.
Caramel by City High Lyric
Girls; they talk their gossip. I love it. Think it’s affecting me? Nah. Jump off it.
Do you remember that game “whisper down the line” when one person would say something and by the end of the game it was totally different? Welcome to high school!
Go ahead and talk about me, b*tch, but I have some advice. Click your heels together twice and say, “I need a fuckin life.”
Don’t ever for one single moment think you know just because you know my name.
God gave us mouths that close and ears that don’t. That should tell us something.
Gossip is like mud thrown against a clean wall. It may not stick but it leaves an ugly mark.
Don’t talk sh*t and don’t do mean stuff to people or it will come back on you two times worse. Remember that before you go running off your big mouth, you b*tch.
Gossip need not be false to be evil. There’s a lot of truth that shouldn’t be passed around.
Frank Howard Clark
Don’t think you’re sneaky. I see your little games like when you walk around saying you heard this and that but can’t mention any names.