Friendship Quotes

Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.

see more Famous, Friendship, Inspirational, Oprah Winfrey, Others

f*ck what you know. You need to forget about what you know, that’s your problem. Forget about what you think you know about life, about friendship, and especially about you and me..


see more Fight Club, Friendship, Insults, Movies

You’re my right when everything is wrong. You’re always there to keep me strong. You dry my tears when I wanna cry. You made my life worth living when I wanted to die.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

You’re not as pretty without your best friend.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

You’re not just anyone. You’re the anyone I tell when people say, “Don’t tell anyone!”

see more Best Friends, Friendship

You’re the definition of absolute best. You’re the reason I get through life when it’s a total mess.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

You’re the only one who really knew me at all.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

You were there for my cries. You were there for my laughs. That’s why I called you my better half. You had me smiling even when it hurt. Nothing could measure what our friendship was worth.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

Your secrets are safe with me. Just think of me as the pages in your diary.

Diary by Alicia Keys Lyric

see more Best Friends, Famous, Friendship

You’re getting calls at three in the morning when I can’t go to sleep and you’re behind my back when someone calls me a beep. Without you, I’m in a world with no map. That’s why you’re my best friend and no best friend for life quality you could ever lack.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

You’re always there for me through good times and bad. You never let me down and we never fought about anything. We had such good times from talking on the phone to going to the movies, shopping together, sleepovers, talking about boys, and all the laughter. You always listened to my problems and always helped me get through them. You’re my best friend, always and forever.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

You’re my best friend, the one I rely on. I can tell you anything and know you won’t tell another living person. I can always come to you. You’re always going to be there. So many memories we share and many more to come. I’ll always be there for you.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

You’re my best friend. We laugh at sh*t that isn’t even funny. When I never thought I would pull through, always you were true. I wish I could tell you how much I care. There isn’t anyone better. I swear.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

You’re my best friend. We’ll be best friends until the end. You’ve always been there for me. Without you, I don’t know where I would be. Yeah, we get into stupid little fights but we usually make up the next night. I know we’ll be best friends.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

You’re my shoulder to cry on, the one I can rely on. You’re what holds me together, my best friend forever.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

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