Personal Quotes

You say I have the perfect life. I say you have a great imagination.

see more Insecure, Personal

Tell me how you would feel. You’d probably give up too if nobody believed in you.

If Nobody Believed In You by Joe Nichols Lyric

see more Famous, Insecure, Personal

Your perfect little girl dropped a grade on her report card. Your perfect little girl yelled at you last night. Your perfect little girl talked back to you again. Your perfect little girl painted her nails black. Your perfect little girl lied to you all her life. Your perfect little girl cries herself to sleep. Your perfect little girl dated before sixteen. Your perfect little girl was broken by a boy. Your perfect little girl doesn’t go to church. Your perfect little girl hates you. Your perfect little girl has given up on life. Your perfect little girl had a tantrum today. Your perfect little girl wants to run away. Your perfect little girl has no real friends. Your perfect little girl thinks she’s overweight. Your perfect little girl hasn’t let you dry her tears. Your perfect little girl disobeys you. Your perfect little girl hates the world. Your perfect little girl is hated by the world. Your perfect little girl says bad things about you. Your perfect little girl is unhappy. Your perfect little girl tried to commit suicide. Your perfect little girl has become a disgrace. Your perfect little girl isn’t so perfect anymore.

see more Insecure, Personal

The sad thing is when I look in the mirror I can’t even recognize myself. I’m not who I wanna be.

see more Insecure, Personal

The tears are just signs of her insecurities.

see more Insecure, Personal

There’s an emptiness inside her that she would do anything to fill.

Grey Street (Busted Stuff) by Dave Matthews Band Lyric

see more Famous, Insecure, Personal

She wipes her running mascara from her eyes as she looks in the broken mirror and whispers to herself, “I’m never gonna be good enough.”

see more Insecure, Personal

She’s feeling worthless, used again, but nothing’s different.

I Want To Save You by Something Corporate Lyric

see more Famous, Insecure, Personal

She’s such a happy girl. She’s beautiful but she looks in the mirror everyday and sees nothing but flaws.

see more Insecure, Personal

She’ll run far away in one of those ‘try to find yourself’ trips but just lose herself more.

see more Insecure, Personal

She’s a little scared to get close to anyone because anyone that said, “I’ll be there” left.

see more Insecure, Personal

So she changes her hair color and buys all new clothes. She wants to forget who she’s been.

see more Insecure, Personal

Someone asked me the other day if my glass was half empty or half full. I was going to say it’s empty, but that’s not completely true. My life isn’t void and I have my happy moments, but they usually just seem to disappear, or get worse. So, my glass is cracked, yes cracked. It gets filled up with happiness and hope, but it always ends up escaping my grasp. It always ends up emptying out. It will never be full because it’s always leaking. And one day, it will get thrown away, because no one wants a broken glass.

see more Insecure, Personal

Something’s missing and I don’t know how to fix it. Something’s missing and I don’t know what it is.

Something’s Missing by John Mayer Lyric

see more Famous, Insecure, Personal

Save me from the nothing I’ve become.

see more Insecure, Personal

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