Personal Quotes
What I meant to say was I’m sorry for the way I am.
Cold by Crossfade Lyric
When I pictured myself, it was always like just an outline in a coloring book with the inside not yet completed. All the standard features were there but the colors, the zigzags, the plaids, the bits and pieces that made up me weren’t yet in place. I was still waiting.
Sometimes I just sit, stare, and wonder, “What the Hell am I doing wrong?”
You assume that I’m fine but you don’t know how to read between the lines. I swing from moody and callous to giddy and humorous in .1 seconds. That’s not because I’m easy-going or feeling guilty for being off-hand with you. It’s lack of confidence and self-esteem. It’s trying to fit in and trying to hide the scars at the same time. Maybe I’m doing a good job. That’s why you don’t see it.
Sometimes I stare at myself in the mirror. Minute after minute goes by and I still can’t figure out if there’s at least one good thing about me.
You don’t realize how much you actually hate yourself until you see what you only wish, hope, and pray to be.
She always wondered what it was that she never had: an ego, not enough confidence, or maybe just that she wasn’t another heartless wh*re.
She finally let go of her fake smile and the tears slowly roll down her face as she whispers in the mirror, “I don’t wanna be me.”
She may seem so perfect but behind it all she’s just an accident waiting to happen.
She tries to be real but I don’t even think she knows who the real her is anymore.
She whispers to the mirror as she wipes the running eyeliner from her eyes, “I’m so stupid.”
She wipes her running mascara from her eyes as she looks in the broken mirror and whispers to herself, “I’m never gonna be good enough.”
She’s feeling worthless, used again, but nothing’s different.
I Want To Save You by Something Corporate Lyric
She’s such a happy girl. She’s beautiful but she looks in the mirror everyday and sees nothing but flaws.