Insecure Quotes

I’m a million contradictions. Sometimes I make no sense. Sometimes I’m perfect. Sometimes I’m a mess. Sometimes I’m not sure who I am.

I Am by Hilary Duff Lyric

see more Famous, Insecure, Personal

But most of the time I think that I’m just not good enough.

see more Insecure, Personal

I know it seems like I’m this strong person who can get through anything but inside I’m fragile. I’ve had so many things thrown at me and each one has only made me crack. What I’m afraid of is shattering.

see more Insecure, Personal

I’m afraid if I want something too much, it’ll mean I’ll never have it.

see more Insecure, Personal

Can you help me? I’m bent. I’m so scared that I’ll never get put back together.

Bent by Matchbox 20 Lyric

see more Famous, Insecure, Personal

I live in a world where being me isn’t enough.

see more Insecure, Personal

I’m feeling like I need to go somewhere else tonight ’cause I’m so tired here and nothing seems alright. The world, it turns around on me and I’m spinning. I’m always far behind. I’m never in front. I’m never winning.

Better Off by Don’t Look Down Lyric

see more Famous, Insecure, Personal

Do you see that self-conscious girl? She’s only sixteen. She’s unaware of what letting go means. She thinks she’s ugly and stupid but she needs someone to tell her she’s anything but that. The more they say she’s pretty the uglier she feels and the more they say she’s wrong the feelings seem more real. When she looks in the mirror she can’t seem to understand. She can’t find what others see in her and why they claim that she’s pretty. Maybe one day somebody will walk up to her and take her by the hand then tell her she’s lovely and help her understand.

see more Insecure, Personal

I may be insecure but I know how to pick myself up and try again.

see more Insecure, Personal

Don’t worry, darling. I hate me, too.

see more Insecure, Personal

I thought that I was alright. I was moving on strong but then I realized I was losing myself. My thoughts were all wrong.

see more Insecure, Personal

Don’t mind me. I’m just trying to find a place where I belong.

see more Insecure, Personal

I tried to paint myself but the colors weren’t ugly enough.

see more Insecure, Personal

Don’t you ever feel like if you were prettier life would be easier?

see more Insecure, Personal

I want the life you think I have.

see more Insecure, Personal

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