Bring It On Quotes
I don’t know what’s scarier: neurotic cheerleaders, or the pressure to win. I could make a killing selling something like “Diet Prozac.”
see more Activities, Bring It On, Cheerleading, Insults, Movies, Others
I hate to be predictable, but I don’t give a sh*t!
see more Bring It On, Movies
If we’re gonna be the best, we have to have the best. Missy’s the poo, so take a big whiff!
see more Bring It On, Movies
I’m sexy! I’m cute! I’m popular to boot! I’m bitchin’. Great hair, the boys all love to stare. I’m wanted, I’m hot, I’m everything you’re not. I’m pretty, I’m cool. I dominate this school. Who am I? Just guess. Guys wanna touch my chest. I’m rockin, I smile, and many think I’m vile. I’m flying, I jump. You can look but don’t you hump! Whoo! I’m major! I roar! I swear I’m not a wh*re! We cheer, and we lead. We act like we’re on speed! Hate us ’cause we’re beautiful. Well, we don’t like you either! We’re cheerleaders! We are cheerleaders! Roll call!
Big Red: Call me Big Red!
Whitney: I’m Wh-Wh-Whitney.
Courtney: C-C-C-Courtney! Roar!
Darcy: Dude, it’s Darcy!
Carver: I’m big bad Carver! Yeah!
Kasey: Just call me Kasey!
Big Red: I’m still Big Red. I sizzle! I scorch! But now I pass the torch! The ballots are in! And one girl had to win. She’s perky, she’s fun! And now she’s number one! K-kick it Torrance! T-T-T-Torrance!
Torrance: I’m strong and I’m loud! I’m gonna make you proud! I’m T-T-Torrance! Your captain Torrance!
Toros Cheer Squad: Let’s go, Toros! We are the Toros! The mighty, mighty Toros! We’re so terrific, we must be Toros!
see more Bring It On, Movies
It’ll be just like high school, only better – dorm rooms.
see more Bring It On, College, Movies, Naughty, Others, School
Let’s not put the “duh” in “dumb.”
see more Bring It On, Insults, Movies, Stupidity
Torrance: Missy is bank!
Courtney: Uh, bankrupt!
see more Bring It On, Insults, Movies
Awesome, oh wow! Like, totally freak me out! I mean, right on! The Toros sure are number one!
see more Bring It On, Movies
Cheerleaders are dancers who have gone retarded. What you do is a tiny, pathetic subset of dancing.
see more Activities, Bring It On, Cheerleading, Dance, Insults, Movies, Others