Waiting Quotes

To love someone is to wait for him but you need to love yourself too by knowing when to walk away.

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Wait for the boy who will do anything to be your everything.

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Wait for the boy who will let his arm fall asleep just because you look too cute to move.

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Wait for the guy who will be your best friend and who wants to show you off to the world, even when you’re in sweatpants, a hoodie, and no makeup.

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So I confessed my sins to the preacher about the love I’ve been praying to find. Is there a brown eyed boy in my future? And he says, “Girl, you’ve got nothing but time.”

Born To Fly by Sara Evans Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Waiting

Wait for the right guy, but in the meantime, have fun with all of the wrong ones.

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Someday you’ll understand. Until then, I’ll wait for you.

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Sometimes you just need to be with the person who makes you smile even if it means waiting.

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Spare me just three last words. ‘I love you’ is all she heard. I’ll wait for you but I can’t wait forever.

Ohio is for Lovers by Hawthorne Heights Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Waiting

The sad part is that no matter what goes on this year, when you come running back to me again you know I’ll be here.

see more Love, Waiting

The worst part of life is waiting; the best part of life is having someone worth waiting for.

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There’s someone out there for everyone, except this is like the world’s largest game of hide and go seek, and you bet that boy found the best hiding spot there and he’s waiting for you to find him. Or better yet, maybe he’ll get tired of waiting and find you instead.

see more Love, Waiting

They read you Cinderella. You hoped it would come true, that one day your Prince Charming would come to rescue you.

I Can Love You Like That by John Michael Montgomery Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Waiting

They say I’m a little too lost without you here. They say that I’m a little too soft and too sincere. Gonna stand, gonna fall, gonna face my fears. It’s a little too late for me to wait ’cause you’re never going to feel this way.

A Little Too Late by Delta Goodrem Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Waiting

This time I’m just gonna sit back and wait, wait for yet again another disappointment, another heartache, another night full of tears.

see more Love, Waiting

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