Waiting Quotes

I wanna go back to the age of six where boys had cooties, or back to the age of eight where you’d scream, “Ew!” when you see someone kissing, or I’d go back to the age of nine when you’d play tag with a boy because even if he didn’t like you you’d always be ‘it’ to him, or I’d go back to playing football with the boy next door because skinned knees are better than broken hearts. But out of all, I wanna go to the future when you finally love me back. Even if it takes ten years I’ll wait. You’re worth it. Trust me, you’re worth it.

see more Love, Waiting

And I wish you weren’t worth the wait because there are some things I would like to say to you, and I don’t think you know what you’ve been missing.

Your Own Disaster by Taking Back Sunday Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Waiting

I’ll be waiting for you. Don’t leave me standing. I’m lost without you.

Waiting For You by Ian Van Dahl Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Waiting

And I’ll try to identify, try to look through the gray skies in your eyes and pick up everything you left behind. Cross your fingers and pray for winter. I’ll be there painting the town your favorite color.

The Drama Summer by The Starting Line Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Waiting

I’m finding my way back to you and everything I used to be. Waiting is all that I can do until you find your way back to me.

Find My Way Back by Michelle Branch Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Waiting

And she tells herself it’s okay because Cinderella wasn’t meant to be with her Prince Charming until the ending.

see more Love, Waiting

If he’s the one you want, the one you love, and the only one who can make you happy then no matter how long you’ve liked him and no matter what people say, you should keep waiting.

see more Love, Waiting

Waiting for you here, I’d be your anything.

Memory by Sugarcult Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Waiting

Walk away from me again. I’ll wait for you until the end. Time and time I’ve been a fool.

see more Love, Waiting

When the morning sun comes, you’ll know I didn’t run. ‘Cause when the rain came, it never changed. Through the laughter and the tears, the pain and my fears, I’ll stay. I’ll wait right here.

Call Me by Mat Kearney Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Waiting

When you look for the right person you always end up with the wrong one but when you just sit by the corner and wait, he comes along and shares the corner with you.

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Women are like apples on trees, the best ones are at the top. The men don’t wanna reach for the good ones because they’re afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren’t as good but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them when in reality they’re the amazing ones. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who’s brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.

see more Love, Waiting

You always find a way to keep me right here waiting.

Right Here by Staind Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Waiting

To love someone is to wait for him but you need to love yourself too by knowing when to walk away.

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Wait for the boy who will do anything to be your everything.

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