Used Quotes
I just don’t want to be second best. I’ve waited too long for this.
Second Best by Home Grown Lyric
I need you in the worst way. Just a backseat romance, fogging up the windows in the middle of nowhere, acting like I don’t care when I know this is all I am to you.
I never thought you’d hurt me. I guess you love and learn. When you play with fire you’re bound to get burned. I’ve been mistreated and I’ve been used before. I get kicked in the face but I still come back for more.
Don’t Treat Me Bad by Firehouse Lyric
If I’m just gonna be another meaningless name in your little book of hookups do me a favor and cross me out.
I’m sick of pretending I don’t care because I obviously do. I’m sick of being treated like this especially by you. I don’t wanna hear you don’t care even though I know it’s true.
I’m simply a girl in love. Well that’s what I used to think but now I know that I’m just a girl who was charmed by a guy then used and left behind.
I’m so tired of you confusing me. Really I am and it’s like each time I feel that I’ve made progress with moving on, you do something like hug me and say you love me. Please just stop playing your games with me. Don’t get me thinking there’s a chance when all you really want is to reassure yourself that I still love you. It hurts me because I still do love you a lot. d*mn you for not letting me go. Stop holding onto my heart. I was nice enough to give it to you. Can’t you be nice enough to return it now that you’re all done using it?
It seems like you only want me when you can’t have her and I won’t stand for that.
And I don’t like being used, and I’m tired of waiting. It’s too much pain to have to bear.
Stay by Sugarland Lyric
Just another priceless work of art in his gallery.
Gallery by Mario Vasquez Lyric
Are you really what he wants you, or are you just a replacement of what he can’t have?