Secret Quotes
I bet you didn’t know that I’m terrified of the dark. And every time I think of you, I smile. I bet you don’t know that I hate thunderstorms but love dancing in the rain, or how much I laugh with my friends and how much I truly enjoy being happy. I bet you don’t know how many tears I’ve cried just for you, or how much I doubt myself every day. I bet you don’t know how ticklish I am or how I can’t make decisions and how it drives me crazy when you look into my eyes. I bet you didn’t know that I would do anything to be with you. But mostly I bet you didn’t know how much I love you.
I carry a smile when I’m broken in two, and I’m nobody without someone like you. I’m trembling inside and nobody knows it but me. I lay awake; it’s a quarter past three. I’m screaming at night as if I thought you would hear me. My heart is calling you, and nobody knows it but me.
Nobody Knows It But Me by Babyface Lyric
I talk to you like you’re nothing special, while deep down inside, I know you are.
I want him to know so badly, so why does my mouth clamp shut every time I try to talk to him?
What if we were meant to be? What if I will always love you? What if we forgot about everyone else? What if we danced all night and into the day? What if you knew how I feel about you?
What she doesn’t know is that every day he catches her staring is the best day of his life.
When you think about it, your love life can be like a frustrating movie. Everyone is yelling at the screen, “Tell him you love him!” but you just can’t seem to get the words out.
Why is it that I talk so much about how I’m gonna say all these things to you and when you say hi to me or even glance in my direction, I just melt and forget everything?