Secret Quotes
Sometimes the right words are hard to find. I’m looking for one perfect line to let you know you’re always on my mind.
The most painful love there is, is the love left unshown; a love that cannot be expressed; affection left unknown; the love that withholds touching, afraid of what it would say; and the most painful thing about unexpressed love is it never fades away.
I’ve been hoping and praying for a single way to show you what I’m all about.
Beauty In The Breakdown by The Scene Aesthetic Lyric
Looking into your eyes, I see all I want to be. I don’t want it to end. If I could only put to words the way I see you.
Angel by Slick Shoes Lyric
Maybe if you opened your eyes and looked into hers, you’d realize she’s absolutely crazy about you.
There are so many things I wanna say to you but I know I never will. I’m not sure if it’s for fear of what you’ll say back or maybe what you won’t say so I’ll just watch you leave and all those things that I wanted to say will burn inside me.
No words can express and no tongue can tell just what I see in you or how I feel as well.
There are so many things I wanna say to you, but time’s caught me up and now I’ll never say them
No, you don’t know the one who dreams of you at night and longs to kiss your lips; longs to hold you tight.
You Don’t Know Me by Michael Bubl
There are so many words I can’t say when I look into your eyes. Maybe you’ll reject me and shatter all of my pride. Each day my love grows stronger, but I won’t let you know. There’s way too much behind my smile that I can never show. I’ll hold you for a lifetime if you would take my hand. I love you like no other but you don’t understand. So I’ll dream of us together, of how good it could be, and I’ll keep my love a secret until you fall in love with me.
One day you asked me who I loved. I said no one, but I wish you knew I meant I loved no one but you.
There are times when I just wanna lean over and kiss you, run up to you and hug you, call you up just to talk, go over and visit you and tell you I love you