Scared Quotes

No one knows how much I want to tell you I love you but I’m scared you won’t feel the same.

see more Love, Scared

Sometimes I look at you and you seem to be looking back at me but sometimes you look away like you’re afraid of what might happen if you stare for just a second longer.

see more Love, Scared

I’m scared, completely terrified actually. I’m scared of what will happen if I see you again and scared of what will happen if I don’t see you again.

see more Love, Scared

I’m shaking at your touch. I like you way too much. I’m afraid of falling for you.

Falling For You by Weezer Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Scared

I’m so afraid to fall in love but you make it so d*mn easy.

see more Love, Scared

I’m so scared that I will want you forever and you won’t even notice.

see more Love, Scared

Inside I built a wall so high around my heart I thought I would never fall. One touch and you brought it down. The bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground. And I swore to myself I wasn’t gonna love again. The last time was the last time I would let someone in.

You Had Me From Hello by Kenny Chesney Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Scared

It scares me to know that you and me might never happen.

The Ponytail Parade by Emery Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Scared

I love you, you know that, but I’m just so scared of so many things. I’m scared of feeling this way, I’m scared of being so vulnerable, but most of all I’m scared of losing you.

see more Love, Scared

It’s getting weird. I used to be able to say anything to you and do anything around you. Now I just avoid you for fear of falling for you more than I already have.

see more Love, Scared

I really hope that this works out. I’ve never had more faith in anyone. I’ve never had more hope in anything. And I’m asking you, please don’t ruin that.

see more Love, Scared

I really like you but it’s such a scary thought. I am scared to be happy ’cause that’s when I have the most to lose.

see more Love, Scared

I think the reason I have feelings for you is because I am terrified. I am terrified to never find someone who made me feel like you did. What if I don’t find someone like you? You gave me this high that no one else did, and I’m scared. Scared to death that I won’t find someone that can do that again.

see more Love, Scared

I’m not afraid of getting old. I’m afraid of getting old without you.

see more Love, Scared

I’m not afraid of heights; I’m afraid of falling. I’m not scared of the dark; I’m scared of what’s in it. I’m not afraid to love; I’m afraid of not being loved back.

see more Love, Scared

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