Scared Quotes

Sometimes you’re afraid to become a couple with someone because you’re afraid of losing what you already have with that person but life is all about risks and requires you to jump. Don’t be a person who has to look back and just wonder what they would have or could have had. No one waits forever.

see more Love, Scared

People aren’t afraid of saying I love you. They’re afraid of hearing the response.

see more Love, Scared

Stay close enough to have fun, yet far enough to not get hurt, and when you start to fall for him, just remember the crack inside your heart is from him.

see more Love, Scared

Please don’t break my heart. It’s been broken so many times and each time I’ve had enough strength to repair it but I think that if you were to break my heart it would shatter into a million pieces and I wouldn’t be able to put it together once again. I don’t think my heart could take being broken once more especially by you.

see more Love, Scared

The only reason I hold onto you is that I’m afraid of what’ll happen if I let go.

see more Love, Scared

Scared to fall in love, scared to fall so fast because every time I fall in love, it never seems to last.

Every Time by Janet Jackson Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Scared

The problem with this relationship is we don’t say too much, but we really do mean it. And the problem with this relationship is we don’t know how to explain what it is we’re constantly feeling. And the problem with risks is we’re not too close but not far enough apart. So I’m afraid something’s gonna come between us, between this.

see more Love, Scared

It’s like once you’ve been hurt, you’re so scared to get attached again, like you have this fear that every person you start to fall for is gonna break your heart.

see more Love, Scared

She kept herself away because she couldn’t stand the thought of another heartbreaking goodbye.

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They’ll pass each other in the halls and they’ll both exchange glances but don’t speak to each other ’cause they’re both afraid of taking chances.

see more Love, Scared

It’s not telling you how I feel that scares me. It’s what you’ll say back that does.

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She knew she had to be cautious when speaking to him again, for she had her heart on the line. And with simply one wrong move she could surely find herself falling for that boy all over again.

see more Love, Scared

I’ve never been scared of someone before; sometimes a little intimidated, but never scared. But you, you scare me with your beautiful eyes and your amazing smile. I’m scared that I’ll want to love you forever and you’ll only want me for a few moments in your life.

see more Love, Scared

She’s scared because she’s finally realizing how much he means to her.

see more Love, Scared

Let’s just drink to get drunk and tell each other everything, for a drunken mind speaks a sober heart. Then we can go on pretending like nothing ever happened, because the truth is I’ve never fallen so hard and I don’t think I could deal with the thought of rejection.

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