Scared Quotes

Have you ever really thought about it? You’ve got this girl head over heels in love with you. She’d do anything for you but for some reason you don’t wanna see that. You know it’s there and you know that you feel the same way but you refuse to let it be. Maybe you’re scared of the thought that this girl who you’ve known for awhile – you’ve seen her happy, you’ve seen her sad – maybe this girl is perfect for you. That really scares you, doesn’t it?

see more Love, Scared

Cute boys crossing. Caution: heartbreak ahead.

see more Love, Scared

Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had but that other person was too afraid to let you? Too many of us stay walled up because we’re too afraid to care too much for fear that the other person doesn’t care as much or at all.

see more Love, Scared

Dear heart, I met a boy today; prepare to shatter.

see more Love, Scared

Have you ever wondered which hurts most – saying something and wishing you hadn’t, or saying nothing and wishing you had? The most important things are always the hardest to say. Don’t be afraid to tell someone that you love them. If you do, they might break your heart, but if you don’t, you might break theirs.

see more Love, Scared

Dear heart, I think you remember me. I tend not to care for your feelings and throw you around a lot and I’m sorry for that. I just thought I would warn you that I fell for a boy. Good luck!

see more Love, Scared

He wants to know about the secrets that she hides ’cause she seems to have about a million kept inside. For some unexplained reason she gets close and then she lies when all he wants to do is compliment her until she cries.

Make it Perfect by The Semester Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Scared

Dear heart, I’m sorry for all this abuse. I can’t control it. This is starting to get way out of hand. Well I know you might hate me for all this but be prepared; I’m starting to fall in love again. Signed, uncontrollable feelings.

see more Love, Scared

Her biggest problem is that she’s afraid she’ll only ever be the friend type, not the girlfriend type, so she won’t take her chance.

see more Love, Scared

Did you ever wanna ask a question but your heart was afraid of the answer?

see more Love, Scared

He’s like this goal that I have that I wanna reach so bad but the thought of actually getting him is so scary that I’ve stopped trying.

see more Love, Scared

Do you know how long I’ve waited to look up from below just to find someone like you? And will your love light burn me, baby, burn a hole right through my heart? I think I just might trust you, maybe, but I’m not sure.

Lunacy Fringe by The Used Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Scared

His gravity makes me feel lightheaded. Small talk turns to dust in my mouth. He doesn’t know that I’m already thinking about how I’m gonna make him look over my way.

see more Love, Scared

Don’t be afraid to lose your heart to me. I’ve already lost mine to you.

see more Love, Scared

I always pushed him away maybe ’cause deep down I knew he was the only one for me and I was too scared to admit it.

see more Love, Scared

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