Love Quotes

Don’t call me obsessed when I’m only scared of losing the best thing that ever happened to me.

see more Love, Scared

I can’t go any further down this love road and have my heart broken.

see more Love, Scared

Don’t kid yourself, babe. This boy loves you in a way he’s not ready to deal with.

see more Love, Scared

I don’t wanna close my eyes because you might leave when I’m not looking but I’m afraid to keep them open because I can’t watch you walk away.

see more Love, Scared

Don’t you understand we’re only holding on to each other ’cause we’re too scared to let go?

see more Love, Scared

I don’t wanna get any closer because if we do it’ll just make it that much harder when we have to separate.

see more Love, Scared

Every girl knows deep inside when she’s really in love. Sometimes we just pretend like we don’t realize it, hoping we could be wrong.

see more Love, Scared

I found love in you. I find truth in you. I see light in you. And it horrifies me.

Bleeding Hearts Shed No Tears by Atreyu Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Scared

Every man is afraid of something and that’s how you know he loves you – when he’s afraid of losing you.

see more Love, Scared

I guess what scares me is knowing that at any moment you could rip my heart out and step on it and I would just pick it up and hand it right back to you.

see more Love, Scared

Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don’t get hurt.

Because Of You by Kelly Clarkson Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Scared

Every time I see you I’m afraid to look stupid and I have to keep myself from staring at you for too long.

see more Love, Scared

Broken hearted, I push you away. I wish I had the guts to ask you to stay

see more Love, Scared

Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle? I have.

see more Love, Scared

Could you see I want you by the way I push you away?

Tangled Up In Me by Skye Sweetnam Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Scared

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