Love Quotes

You know it’s changing and it’s breaking your heart. There’s nothing you can do except watch it fall apart.

see more Break Up, Heartbreak, Love

You should have known better but you didn’t and I can’t go back.

Life Goes On by LeAnn Rimes Lyric

see more Break Up, Famous, Love

All of a sudden she left – no note, no goodbye. She was out of his life and without the slightest explanation

see more Break Up, Love

Girl, don’t let him walk all over you. You need to wake up and realize that this boy doesn’t deserve your love. You need to grow the strength to break free, because you deserve someone so much better.

see more Bad, Love

And in the end Peter Pan ripped off Tinkerbell’s wings so she could never leave him.

see more Bad, Love

I force myself to be what you need. I force myself to be what you want.

see more Bad, Love

You could see it in her eyes. She loved him and it was killing her.

see more Bad, Love

See how much he makes you cry? Well all the things he puts you through are just obstacles and obstacles are put in your way to make you see if what you want is worth fighting for.

see more Bad, Love

All I ask is that you forever remember me as the girl who loved you most.

see more Break Up, Love, Memories

Because of you I know what it’s like to love and be loved and what it’s like to lose and be lost.

see more Break Up, Love

Do me one favor. After you walk away please don’t forget about what we had.

see more Break Up, Love, Memories

And it was over like that. A moment ago your hands were on my hips and you told me you loved me.

see more Break Up, Love

I didn’t walk away because I fell out of love. I walked away because I was tired of fooling myself into thinking that this was anything like love.

see more Break Up, Love

Hey, baby. Don’t cry. This is not the end. This is just goodbye.

see more Break Up, Love

I was afraid to love you forever but when I did I lost you forever.

see more Break Up, Love

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