Love Quotes
They tell me you’re all I’ve got. I just need these dreams to stop.
RIP Lyric
You can keep the necklace that I gave to you. I’ll keep the shitty tattoos.
RIP Lyric
As long as it’s okay with you, I think I’ll stay right here. I’ve got nowhere to go ‘cause where to go is up to you, dear.
Colorado Sunrise by 3OH!3 Lyric
And if I had something to say to you, I’d whisper it softly, kiss you on your rosy lips and never let you off me.
Colorado Sunrise by 3OH!3 Lyric
L.O.V.E.’s just another word I’ll never learn to pronounce.
Starstrukk by 3OH!3 Lyric
It was not going to be the end of the world. Just the end of the Cullens. The end of Edward, the end of me. I preferred it that way – the last part anyway. I would not live without Edward again; if he was leaving this world, then I would be right behind him.
Bella Cullen
see more Books, Breaking Dawn, Forever, Love
It was like he’d never kissed me – like this was our first kiss. And, in truth, he’d never kissed me this way before. It almost made me feel guilty. Surely I was in breach of the contract. I shouldn’t be allowed to have this, too.
Bella Cullen
see more Books, Breaking Dawn, Kissing, Love, Others
In that moment, as the minister said his part, my world, which had been upside down for so long now, seemed to settle into its proper position. I saw just how silly I’d been for fearing this – as if it were an unwanted birthday gift or an embarrassing exhibition, like the prom. I looked into Edward’s shining, triumphant eyes and knew that I was winning, too. Because nothing else mattered but that I could stay with him.
Bella Swan
see more Books, Breaking Dawn, Love, Marriage
I’d been planning on needing years just to somewhat organize the overwhelming passion I felt for him physically. And then centuries after that to enjoy it. If we had only a month left together… Well, I didn’t see how I could stand to have this end. For the moment I couldn’t help but be selfish. All I wanted was to love him as much as possible in the limited time given to me.
Bella Cullen
see more Books, Breaking Dawn, Love
see more Books, Breaking Dawn, Cute, Love
I wish I could explain it to you right so that you would understand. I can’t hurt him any more than I could pick up a gun and shoot you. I love him.
Bella Cullen
see more Books, Breaking Dawn, Love
see more Books, Breaking Dawn, Love
You and me. That’s the only thing that matters. The only thing you’re allowed to think about now. Do you hear me?
Bella Cullen
see more Books, Breaking Dawn, Love
Now you know. No one’s ever loved anyone as much as I love you.
Bella Cullen
see more Books, Breaking Dawn, Love