Love Quotes
She tries to stay away from him but it’s so hard not knowing that it doesn’t make a difference whether she’s right in his face or a thousand miles away. Either way all she is is a memory.
I’ve got your memory or has it got me?
She’s Got You by Patsy Cline Lyric
So here I am, three years later, and he’s two feet away from me. I could say hello but I don’t wanna disturb the memory.
I’ve tried all I know to forget about you but the memories are still there. Whatever I do I fall to the floor as tears start to flow. The tears will wash away but the feelings won’t let go.
So I took a walk down memory lane today. I just kept clicking back and back, looking through old entries. Sometimes I would stop and read, smile to myself and remember. Then that smile would quickly stroll by because I couldn’t stand to read the words like one where I put our conversation where we sent each other kisses. God, I loved him so much. I didn’t know until now and I hate him. I hate him because I can’t hate him. I wish I could just start this all over and just relive it over and over again.
Love is like a bubble, an illusion of pretty colors but when the bubble pops you’re left with nothing but the memories.
So many nights, legs tangled tight. Wrap me up in a dream with you. Close up these eyes. Try not to cry. All that I’ve got to pull me through is memories of you.
One Year, Six Months by Yellowcard Lyric
Meet me are the corner store. We’ll talk it out there. The rain is now falling harder than it ever has before. Take a look at shoebox moments.
Shoebox Moments by Rookie of the Year Lyric
Someday you’ll be sorry, someday when you’re free; memories will remind you that you could have been with me.
Memories come and go like a dream lost in the night, but I remember everything about you and how you came and changed my life.
The Night We Met by Dan Hill Lyric
Sometimes I get hit with the memory of how much you mean to me just when I think I’m okay with letting go.
My eyes can’t believe what they have seen in the corner of your room. You’ve stockpiled millions of my memories.
The Phrase That Pays by The Academy Is… Lyric
Take your records, take your freedom, take your memories – I don’t need them. Take your space and take your reasons, but you’ll think of me. And take your cat and leave my sweater ’cause we have nothing left to weather. In fact, I’ll feel a whole lot better but you’ll think of me.
You’ll Think of Me by Keith Urban Lyric
Now, there is no way to change this. So, I just photographed and framed it and it’s hanging in a hallway that we have no right to walk back down.
Untitled by Bright Eyes Lyric
The last memory I have was you walking out of my life and never coming back.