Love Quotes

Back then it was those pictures that if they ever got deleted, I would cry. It was those pictures that made me laugh when I would look at them, those pictures I posted everywhere., those pictures that could never be retaken. Now it’s those pictures I spend hours crying over and remembering what we had.

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All that I’ve got to pull me through is memories of you.

One Year, Six Months by Yellowcard Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Memories

Broken hearts always hurt, tears always come, but it’s the memories that kill you.

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And all that’s left is the memory of your eyes that pierce through my mind and also the sheer reminder that I can’t have you.

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And don’t forget about late nights, playing in the dark and waking up inside my arms. Boy, you’ll always be in my heart and I can see it in your eyes, you still want it so don’t forget about us.

Don’t Forget About Us by Mariah Carey Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Memories

And every time I play the song I can only think of you. It’s a shame I’ll have to abandon such a beautiful song. It’s just another unwanted reminder of you.

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And everything she has left of him, everything they were, it’s all just a bunch of memories and broken promises.

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And for one desperate moment there he crept back in her memory. God, it’s so painful when something that’s so close is still so far out of reach.

American Girl by Tom Petty Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Memories

And from now on every time someone ruffles your hair or asks you to dance, every time the full moon is out and every time the sun paints the sky, he’ll be all that’s on your mind.

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And I can’t listen to my favorite song anymore because each drum beat is a massacre, each keystroke is a regret, and each chord is a memory of you.

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You never realize how much you love someone until they become memories you’d give anything to go back to.

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You said you’d always be here but soon you left and all I have are memories of you and how you broke my heart.

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You’ll always be a part of my life, a happy memory, a good laugh, a tear or two. I won’t forget you.

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You’ve given me reasons to smile, good times to laugh about, but most of all you’ve given me memories I could never forget.

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You’d be surprised how often a joke, a song, a memory will make me think of you.

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