Memories Quotes

I’m so alone. There’s no one here with me. It happened so fast. I know we’re meant to be everything we had, good and bad, I will always remember from now until forever.

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I don’t know if it’s the way he says my name or the way he catches me staring at him and pretends not to notice the smile on my face. Maybe it’s just the way he makes me feel about myself even when I’m down. But when I look at him I see all those memories of us and I just wonder if maybe he’s still seeing them too.

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I’m frozen in our memories, trying not to cry. I know that you love me so why say goodbye? I’m frozen in our kisses as your body pulls me near. We kiss and you lick your lips as you wipe away my tears.

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I don’t know what it is, but whenever I see you I remember all the memories, all the good and the bad, but most of all I remember the feelings.

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I’m on my knees. Only memories are left for me to hold.

Grace by Kate Havnevik Lyric

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I fell asleep with the headphones on, listening to a song that reminded me of you.

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I’m still walking down memory lane because I know I’ll be running into you.

Memory Lane by Tim McGraw Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Memories

I forgot about you for awhile but then I saw you again and my mind just instantly flashed back to the time when I thought that we were happy. I know I’ll never hold you like that again.

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It hurts to be around you. When I see you, even from across the room, it brings up a thousand memories. Not just of us, but of my entire life before. It’s like I’m frozen in this place that I can’t bear to be. I care about you so much. As long as I can remember, everything’s always come back to you. I mean, even no matter what was happening between us. Even the thought of you is at least a constant comfort, but… I can’t go back. It just hurts.

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I guess that goes to show just what I’ve been going through – more nights of hugging my pillow and replaying memories.

Cheek To Cheek by The Starting Line Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Memories

It’s hard, I know. That has to be the hardest thing to do, to let someone go. Fight it when you get the urge to hold on but remember don’t be stupid. You never let anyone go completely. There are always special times that you’ll remember.

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I pulled out that picture of you yesterday, the one you don’t really like. I remembered everything about you – your favorite color, your favorite song, what you wanna be when you get older, and the songs that reminded you of us. Then I realized I was crying the whole time and I accidentally ruined that picture of you. I guess that’s okay because you never liked it anyway.

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I’ve begun to forget what your smile looks like, the sound of your voice, and the way you laugh. It’s all beginning to fade. I’m in love with nothing but a memory and I love it so.

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I ran across a picture you took of me and you crossed my mind. I still hear you saying you love me when I close my eyes.

Circle by Marques Houston Lyric

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But she can’t let go of the memories she has of him.

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