Marriage Quotes

Looks like we made it. Look how far we’ve come, my baby. We might have taken the long way. We knew we’d get there someday.

see more Love, Marriage

The difficulty with marriage is that we fall in love with a personality but must live with a character.

Peter De Vries

see more Famous, Love, Marriage

Love is one long, sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.

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The kind of person I wanna marry when I’m older has to be exactly like you.

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Love is the thing that enables a woman to sing while she mops up the floor after her husband has walked across it in his dirty shoes.

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They sat side by side and watched their futures form.

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Love of mine, someday you’ll get old and die and I won’t be far behind. I’ll follow you into the darkness.

Plans by Death Cab For Cutie Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Marriage

Thinking about you drives my heart insane. When I’m without you, I feel complete pain. I couldn’t live without you in my life. One day I hope to be your wife.

see more Love, Marriage

Marriage: the state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress, and two slaves making in all two people.

Ambrose Bierce

see more Famous, Love, Marriage

We have the greatest prenuptial agreement in the world. It’s called love.

Gene Perret

see more Famous, Love, Marriage

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times with the same person.

Germaine Greer

see more Famous, Love, Marriage

After all, there is something about a wedding gown prettier than in any other gown in the world.

Douglas William Jerrold

see more Famous, Love, Marriage

And I’ll do anything you ever dreamed to be complete. Little pieces of the nothing that fall. Put your arms around me. What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful. Do you wanna get married or run away?

Slide by Goo Goo Dolls Lyric

see more Famous, Love, Marriage

Baby, I’m ready. I want that ring.

see more Love, Marriage

Can you run to these open arms when no one else understands? Can we tell God and the whole world I’m your woman and you’re my man? Can’t you just feel how much I love you with one touch of my hand? Can I just spend my life with you?

Spend My Life With You by Eric Ben

see more Famous, Love, Marriage

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