Lonely Quotes

Being “lonely” isn’t the worst feeling; it’s being forgotten by someone you just can’t forget.

see more Lonely, Love

I sit and listen to everyone else’s love stories and I’m thinking to myself, “Where’s mine?”

see more Lonely, Love

But listen carefully to the sound of your loneliness. Like a heartbeat, it drives you mad, in the stillness of remembering what you had.

Dreams by Fleetwood Mac Lyric

see more Famous, Lonely, Love

If I had three wishes, I would wish for money so I could buy a beach and sleep when it’s sunny. If I had two wishes, I would wish for fame, then I would know that everyone would know my name. For my last and final wish, I would buy love. I wonder if it would work. Money can’t buy love and fame can’t either. I just wonder, could a wish?

see more Lonely, Love

Do you have any idea how much it hurts to hear one of your best friends talk about their boyfriend and how much she loves him and you act like you’re happy but really on the inside you’re hurting because you want that love?

see more Lonely, Love

If too much love will kill you, I’m the healthiest person in the world.

see more Lonely, Love

Everyone dreams of that fairytale ending. I’m just dreaming of a story.

see more Lonely, Love

I’m stuck here in a place without love and I just can’t let it stay this way, but for now I’m gonna have to face it. These are the days.

These Are The Days by O-Town Lyric

see more Famous, Lonely, Love

Everyone tells me, “You’re gonna make one boy really happy one day.” I’m just tired of hearing the “one day” part.

see more Lonely, Love

It’s different. When you’re lonely, the whole world is in love.

see more Lonely, Love

Everything is finally working out for everyone. Everyone is getting who they want and everything they want. I’m extremely happy for them because they all deserve it, but I can’t help but to wonder why it can’t happen to me.

see more Lonely, Love

Loneliness is the trend. Wear it like your new perfume.

see more Lonely, Love

He’s chasing her, I’m chasing him, how come no one’s chasing me?

see more Lonely, Love

I don’t need more proof of how lonely I am without you.

see more Lonely, Love

I feel like I’m destined to be alone because all of those who love me leave. Whenever I start to trust again, I get lied to. And whenever I open up my heart, the cracks get reshattered.

see more Lonely, Love

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