Falling In Love Quotes
And when she hears his voice her heart has never beaten faster, her hands have never trembled in such a manner, and she’s never fallen so hard.
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I don’t know why I’m even calling. Told myself I’m through with falling right now. I should be running from these thoughts of you but I can’t; you’re in my head.
You’re In My Head by Brian McComas Lyric
see more Falling In Love, Famous, Love
Because I’m head over heels for you and all of the things that you do. The heavens and earth have moved, boy, because I’m falling head over heels in love with you.
Head Over Heels by Rascal Flatts Lyric
see more Falling In Love, Famous, Love
Can’t you see how hard I fell for you?
see more Falling In Love, Love
Don’t ever let a boy build you up with his words, ’cause the higher you are, the harder you fall. And trust me, you always fall.
see more Falling In Love, Love
Don’t find love; let love find you. That’s why it’s called falling in love. You don’t force yourself to fall. You just do.
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Don’t really know you that well but I can tell that I’m falling for you. Just the little things you say make me get butterflies every day.
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Don’t you get it? She’s falling for you.
see more Falling In Love, Love
Each time I hear your voice I can’t help it; it’s not by choice. My heart beats faster. My knees get weak. My stomach gets butterflies. I can hardly speak. Every moment feels brand new. I can’t help it. I’m falling for you.
see more Falling In Love, Love
Every time I talk to you, I fall a little harder.
see more Falling In Love, Love
Scatter me across the sky. I’ll shine all night. And just like a star, I’ll fall for you.
In Transit by Matchbook Romance Lyric
see more Falling In Love, Famous, Love
You may think of me as some girl but I’m the one girl who took one look at you and fell harder than I have ever fallen.
see more Falling In Love, Love
So basically I’m gonna go all third grade on your ass and double dog dare you to fall in love with me.
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You might not know it but I fell for you all over again.
see more Falling In Love, Love
So tonight I’ll sit and pick apart your pictures, and overanalyze your words. But the truth is that I’ve never fallen so hard.
All Hail the Heartbreaker by The Spill Canvas Lyric
see more Falling In Love, Famous, Love