General Quotes

I wear black because I’m mourning that you exist.

see more General, Insults

Don’t ever think you and me can be down. We weren’t before and it ain’t happening now.

see more General, Insults

I am who I am and I be who I be. You can kiss my ass if you don’t like what you see.

see more General, Insults

I would love to be the one to disappoint you when I don’t fall down.

Rearranged by Limp Bizkit Lyric

see more Famous, General, Insults

Don’t threaten me with what you think I feel. If you could read my mind you would be in tears.

Heartless by A Day to Remember Lyric

see more Famous, General, Insults

I am who I am, nothing I do is for you. Don’t like what you see? Well then I guess screw you.

see more General, Insults

I’m not a little girl anymore. For anyone who’s ever betrayed me, intentionally hurt me, or two-timed me, I’m not going to dwell on trying to make your life miserable and tell you I’m going to fight you. No, better yet, I’m going to sit here and tell you, Karma is a motherfucker and you’ll get yours.

see more General, Insults

Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk ahead of me; I may not follow. Don’t walk beside me either; just leave me the hell alone.

see more General, Insults

I been turning fellas heads since I first started walking but you just been giving fellas headaches since you first started talking.

see more General, Insults

I’m not a wh*re, I’m not a sl*t, I’ve just got more to shake and strut so all you hoes who think you’re it, compared to me, you ain’t nothing but sh*t.

see more General, Insults

Every time I see you I see a new flaw.

see more General, Insults

I can make traffic stop. When this is on the radio, all I see is their head bop but as soon as they hear your sh*t all their heads stop.

see more General, Insults

I’m not ignoring you; you’re just insignificant.

see more General, Insults

Everyone has the ability to make others happy; some people do by entering a room and others by leaving it.

see more General, Insults

I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn’t look good, either.

see more General, Insults

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