General Quotes

In order for you to insult me I must first value your opinion.

see more General, Insults

It always has to be with you. If I write something mean in general it has to be about you, doesn’t it?

see more General, Insults

It’s like every time I hear your voice I wanna shoot myself. You have to be the most annoying person I know and your voice is like nails on the chalkboard.

see more General, Insults

Just because I understand don’t think I care.

see more General, Insults

If I’m a b*tch then you’re a b*tch, your mom is a b*tch for having a b*tch, your dad is a b*tch for fucking a b*tch. Who’s the b*tch now, b*tch?

see more General, Insults

If you can’t stand me, sit your ass down.

see more General, Insults

If you don’t like me remember it’s mind over matter; I don’t mind and you don’t matter.

see more General, Insults

If you knew what was good for you then, b*tch, you would just quit because regardless of your own opinion, you ain’t sh*t.

see more General, Insults

I’m gonna say what’s on my mind. I don’t care if I offend you. I really don’t like you and I’m sick of pretending I do.

see more General, Insults

God made oceans, God made lakes, God made (name) but hey, we all make mistakes.

see more General, Insults

I love not being you.

see more General, Insults

God made the earth, God made the sky. When he made you he must have been high.

see more General, Insults

I might smile and say what up but I don’t f*ck with you bitches.

Get In My Car by 50 Cent Lyric

see more General, Insults

Bitchy? Yeah, I might be slightly but it’s just because I don’t know how to say, “f*ck you” politely.

see more General, Insults

Got a problem with me? Solve it. Think I’m tripping? Tie my shoes. Can’t stand me? Sit back down. Can’t face me? Turn around.

see more General, Insults

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