Friendship Quotes

A friend is the only person you will let into the house when you are turning out drawers.
Pam Brown

see more Books, Famous, Friendship, General

A mirror reflects your inner emotions, not your outer layer, your friends show who you are, and smiles beautify the soul.

see more Friendship, General

A friend is there before you know it, to lend a hand before you ask it, and give you love just when you need it the most.

see more Friendship, General

A real friend is someone who could be crying her eyes out and she’d still ask how you are.

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A friend loves at all times.

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A real friend is someone who tries to pick you up when you’ve fallen and if they can’t pick you up then they lay down right beside you.

see more Friendship, General

A friend stands on the sidelines of your life proudly cheering you on as you win each of life’s battles but a true friend is there in the fight with you.

see more Friendship, General

A real friend is someone who would feel loss if you jumped on a train or in front of one.

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A friend understands even when your thoughts aren’t fitting into words.

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A real friend is someone who you can sit in complete silence with and still walk away feeling like you just had the best conversation of your life.

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A friend wears pajamas to your house but a best friend keeps extras at your house just in case.

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A single rose can be my garden but a single friend, my world.

Leo Buscaglia

see more Books, Famous, Friendship, General

A friend will know by the sound of your voice, by the look on your face, by the way you walk, by the things you do, exactly what kind of day you’re having.

see more Friendship, General

A true friend is a person who is there for you through thick and thin. She doesn’t judge you by the clothes you wear or the size of your house. She loves you no matter what! She’s a shoulder to cry on or a partner to laugh with. She stands by you in your times of need and listens when you’re excited. She knows every little thing about you. She stands up for you when others don’t.

see more Friendship, General

A friend will strengthen you with her prayers, bless you with her love, and encourage you with her hope.

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