Friendship Quotes
It’s crazy to think how different your life would be if you never met those few people that changed everything.
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Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend.
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It’s not about the ones that remain true to your face; it’s the ones that remain true behind your back.
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Nothing lasts forever, not the mountains nor the seas, but the times we’ve had together, they will always be with me; The pages may crumble, the pictures may fade, but we’ll never forget the friends we’ve made.
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I’ve brought to you my insecurities and laid them carefully around you, hoping that you would deal with them gently. You stood beside me when so many have walked away. You sheltered me with affection and I felt more secure. You didn’t treat me with insignificance, but you showed me a brighter side.
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Occasionally you meet someone and soon you both discover the two of you are truly something special to each other. You share thoughts and feel so relaxed. So openly, and right away you know your friendship is truly meant to be.
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I’ve discovered a secret to life – what you need is just to find somebody else who can fill that deep, aching hole inside that you’re always trying to kick dirt over and pretend it’s not there.
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Of all the gifts that life can send there’s none more perfect than a friend; a friend whose smile and thoughtful way adds happiness to every day.
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Just thinking about a friend makes you want to do a happy dance because a friend is someone who loves you in spite of your faults.
Charles M. Schulz
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Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain, laughter and pleasure, teardrops and pain, so when clouds hide the sun and your skies are all grey remember I’m only a phone call away.
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It’s just something that happens as you grow up. You realize it’s less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones.
Laguna Beach
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Many people will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
Eleanor Roosevelt
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It’s not about those who are there when you need them. It’s about who’s been there the entire time.
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Maybe I can’t stop the downpour but I’ll always join you for a walk in the rain.
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It’s not about which ones you have known the longest. It’s about which ones came and never left your side.
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