Friendship Quotes
I think best friends are the ones who have been through what you’ve been through. They understand where you’re coming from and where you’re going. It’s always a challenge to stick by a friend who’s making choices we don’t agree with and are sometimes even dangerous, but it’s at these times that our best friends need us most.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
If one day you feel like crying, call me. I don’t promise that I will make you laugh but I can try. If one day you want to run away, don’t be afraid to call me. I don’t promise to ask you to stop but I can run with you. If one day you don’t wanna listen to anybody call me and I promise to be very quiet but if one day you call and there is no answer come fast to see me, perhaps I need you.
Robert J. Lavery
see more Best Friends, Famous, Friendship
Just let me hold you while you’re falling apart. Just let me hold you so we both fall down. Fall on me. Tell me everything you want me to be. Forever with you, forever in me, ever the same. Best friends forever.
Ever The Same by Rob Thomas Lyric
see more Best Friends, Famous, Friendship
I think in life we’ll only have one true friend that’s always the best.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
If we go down, we go down together. Best friends means best friends forever.
There’s No I in Team by Taking Back Sunday Lyric
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Late night phone calls, long walks, Friday night hangouts and hour long talks, together forever I hope it won’t end, my partner in crime, my very best friend.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
I was the one that had too much to drink. I was the one that couldn’t stand up straight. I was the one that passed out on your couch. But you were the one who gave me a bottle of water and carried me home.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
If yesterday brought the beginning and tomorrow brings the end then somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
Laughing so hard we practically cry, sitting home bored until we basically die, cracking jokes about the psychos we know, causing some drama wherever we go, where there’s one of us the other can usually be found. Just can’t imagine what I’d do without you around.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
I was with you before and will be until the end. Nothing could ever replace you guys as my best friends.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
If you need a shoulder to cry on, or if you need a friend … I’ll be here standing, until the bitter end.
Rocket Queen by Guns N’ Roses Lyric
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Lean on me when you’re not strong and I’ll be your friend; I’ll help you carry on, for it won’t be long ’til I’m gonna need somebody to lean on.
Lean On Me by Bill Withers Lyric
see more Best Friends, Famous, Friendship
I’d do a bid, lose a rib, bust a cap, trust in that, run up to Heaven’s doors, and exchange my life for yours.
Anything by Jay-Z Lyric
see more Best Friends, Famous, Friendship
I’ll never find another friend to take the place of you. No one will ever touch my world exactly like you do. No one who’s quite so thoughtful, no one I cherish so. No one will mean so much to me, I just wanted you to know.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
I’ll be here to help you. I’ll wipe your tears away. I’ll tell you everything is going to be alright. I’ll be the best friend you ever had because a best friend is all you need me to be.
see more Best Friends, Friendship