Friendship Quotes

People say best friends should always hold hands, but real best friends don’t have to because they know the other hand will always be there.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

Standing by all the way. Here to help you through your day. Holding you up when you’re weak. Helping you find what it is you seek. Catching your tears when you cry. Pulling you through when the tide is high. Absorbing your voice when you talk. Standing by when you learn to walk. Just being there through thick and thin all just to say you’re my best friend.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

Me without you is like a pothead not high, a plane that doesn’t fly, a best with no buy, a hooker with no luck, a ho that doesn’t suck, a sl*t that doesn’t f*ck, a nerd without braces, and a sentenceswithoutspaces.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

People say best friends will trade you the yucky purple Popsicle for the good pink one but my best friend just says, “f*ck you. Eat the d*mn thing.”

see more Best Friends, Friendship

Me without you is like China without any rice, the Bible without Christ, the cats without the mice.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

Roses are red. Violets are blue. You are my friend and I love you. My heart explodes with feelings of love. You are my friend from God above. To know you has made my life so much better. You’ll always be my shoulder. Your ear is always right there. A friendship like yours is beyond compare.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

Me without you? That can’t come true.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

Saying you’re my best friend would be a lie because you’re my sister until the day I die.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

Like a needle in a haystack, true friends are hard to find. That’s why I’m so thankful that I can call you mine. Whenever I need a shoulder, you’re there to catch my tears. You’ve kept my many secrets throughout the past three years. You’ve been there through my break-ups, and you’ve witnessed my make-ups. I’ll remember all the good times and pray the bad ones don’t repeat. With you my heart is honest, but there’s one thing I never told you. Thank you for everything you’ve done, there’s no one else like you. No one could ever be a true “best” friend like you!

see more Best Friends, Friendship

Looking back on what I’ve been through, I would be a complete mess if I didn’t have you.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

Let’s become little old women together. We’ll stay up late looking at old pictures, telling ‘remember when’ stories, and laughing until our sides ache. Let’s become eccentric together, the kind of old ladies who take long walks, wear silly hats, and get away with acting outrageous in public places, and if anybody should ask how long we’ve been friends, we’ll say, Oh forever, since before you were ever born!” Let’s become little old women together because a friendship that’s as special as ours can only grow better through the years.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

I’d like to be that sort of friend you’ve been to me, I’d like to be the help you’ve always been glad to be; I’d like to mean as much to you each minute of the day as you have meant to me along the way.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

It all began in sixth grade, the year everything had changed. We hung out, got closer. We moved on but still together. Growing up, makeup, boys, and gossip, that was the regular stuff. Through the pain and sorrow we remained. Movies, mall, together. Spring, summer, winter, fall. We stay together no matter the distance. Best friends in an instant. Thank you for being there in my time of need and care. Whenever you need me I’ll be there.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

If fame were based on kindness instead of popularity, on understanding and not on worldwide attention, you would be the biggest celebrity on earth. In addition, to my heart, you already are.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

It sounds dumb and obnoxious, but it was just one of those dumb things that best friends find to be so funny.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

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