Friendship Quotes
We get all glammed up in our huge sunglasses and ripped jeans that make us feel like rock stars. And yes, the paparazzi do follow us around while we shop.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
We stick together like peanut butter and jelly.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
We have a friendship where I can call her a wh*re, she calls me a b*tch, and we’re still always best friends.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
We stuck together our whole lives through. I can truly say I will always be here for you.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
We have dumb moments, get mad over stupid things, make fun of the craziest things, and in the end you’re still my best, a sister like none of the rest, fresh to death!
see more Best Friends, Friendship
We tell each other everything without a doubt. You know my life inside and out.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
We have dumbass moments, get mad over stupid sh*t, make fun of the craziest things, and in the end you’re still my best, a sister like none of the rest, fresh to death.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
We used to be best friends, stay up talking on the phone about random things. We had our little fights and moved on. We used to do each other’s makeup and hair and had a good time but now I see you in the hallways and we pass each other like we never knew one another.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
We have the bond that could never be broken. Me without her? What have you been smoking?
see more Best Friends, Friendship
We used to be normal until we met each other.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
We have this friendship where one inside jokes seems to last forever.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
We walk around talking to complete strangers, laugh for absolutely no reason at all, have stupid fights that are over in ten minutes, attempt to dance and sing like they do in music videos, have a billion you-had-to-be-there moments, gang up on the girl that has a problem with one of us, make fun of each other when we walk into things, act like we’re on crack, and no matter what happens we’re always there for one another.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
We hold it down like a fat kid on a seesaw.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
Together we party, together we cry, kept every single secret, and covered every single lie, because we’re best friends until the day we die.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
We jump around like we’re on drugs and we scream at the top of our lungs. We really can’t get any dumber but that’s just what makes us us.
see more Best Friends, Friendship