General Quotes

Your real friends see the tears before they fall from your eyes.

see more Friendship, General

You’re only as strong as the tables you dance on, the alcohol you drink, and the friends that hold you together.

see more Friendship, General

You’ve got troubles and I’ve got them too. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. We’ll stick together and see it through ‘cause you’ve got a friend in me.

You’ve Got A Friend In Me by Randy Newman Lyric

see more Famous, Friendship, General

While everybody else shakes my hand, you hold it.

Nick Zeigler

see more Famous, Friendship, General

You’ll learn who your true friends are when you’re making a wrong decision and they don’t yell at you for it, they don’t force you to do something different. They stick by you.

see more Friendship, General

True friendship is seen with the eyes. It is felt with the heart when there is trust, understanding, secrets, loyalty, and sharing. Friendship is a feeling rarely found in life but when it is found, it has a profound impact on one’s well-being and strength. A true friendship does not need elaborate gifts or spectacular events in order to be valued or valuable. It already is.

see more Friendship, General

With friends the only thing that matters is who said they would be there in the end and who proved it.

see more Friendship, General

True friendship isn’t about being there when it’s convenient. It’s about being there when it’s not.

see more Friendship, General

With gentle honesty, they are there to guide us and support us, to share our laughter and our tears. Their presence reminds us that no matter what, we are not alone.

see more Friendship, General

Two good friends are like pillars on a porch, sometimes holding one another, sometimes leaning on one another, and always standing by one another.

see more Friendship, General

You always could make me laugh. You listened to my pain. You turned my nights into sunshine when my days had often been rain.

see more Friendship, General

Two may talk together under the same roof for many years, yet never really meet; and two others at first speech are old friends.

Mary Catherwood

see more Books, Famous, Friendship, General

You can always tell a real friend when you’ve made a fool of yourself and he doesn’t feel like you’ve done a permanent job.

see more Friendship, General

We all remain better friends at a slight distance.

see more Friendship, General

You can’t go through life thinking that someday people will let you down. You just have to count on the friends you have and hope they’ll be there through it all.

see more Friendship, General

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