Best Friends Quotes
You were there for me for so many years, making me laugh while I was in tears. I’ll never let anyone take your place because you’re the best friend I’ve got. You laugh at my stupid jokes, put up with my worst moods, go along with my crazy ideas, and still manage to see the best in me.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
Your friends are your release. They’re who you have the most fun with, and yet when the going gets tough, those people turn around and suddenly they’re not just making you laugh, they’re being this rock and giving you all their advice. Even though you’re so much your own person, if you dissect yourself, I guarantee you your friends are in there. Their influence is incredible. Best friends are what you need most.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You were there for my cries. You were there for my laughs. That’s why I called you my better half. You had me smiling even when it hurt. Nothing could measure what our friendship was worth.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
Your secrets are safe with me. Just think of me as the pages in your diary.
Diary by Alicia Keys Lyric
see more Best Friends, Famous, Friendship
You’re getting calls at three in the morning when I can’t go to sleep and you’re behind my back when someone calls me a beep. Without you, I’m in a world with no map. That’s why you’re my best friend and no best friend for life quality you could ever lack.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You’re always there for me through good times and bad. You never let me down and we never fought about anything. We had such good times from talking on the phone to going to the movies, shopping together, sleepovers, talking about boys, and all the laughter. You always listened to my problems and always helped me get through them. You’re my best friend, always and forever.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You’re my best friend, the one I rely on. I can tell you anything and know you won’t tell another living person. I can always come to you. You’re always going to be there. So many memories we share and many more to come. I’ll always be there for you.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You’re my best friend. We laugh at sh*t that isn’t even funny. When I never thought I would pull through, always you were true. I wish I could tell you how much I care. There isn’t anyone better. I swear.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You know she’s your best friend when she wakes you up in the middle of the night and says, “Move over, you wh*re.”
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You and I are like virgins. We’ll always be tight.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You know that you’re best friends when you can’t remember anything before the time that you started being inseparable.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You and I are two close friends. I know it’s gonna stay this way until the very end. We may not go to the same school but you’re so d*mn cool. I’ll be here to dry your tears and I’ll have your back throughout the years.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You know when someone is your best friend ’cause even when you have a smile on your face, they know you’re breaking down inside.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You and me have a way of talking without saying any words.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You and me have wild times twenty-four seven. We two chicks are like angels from heaven. We’re the truest two who always stick together and we’re going to be friends now until forever.
see more Best Friends, Friendship